Chapter 6: Friendly Visit

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I whip my head around to stare at the now visible tall man lounging on my couch

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I whip my head around to stare at the now visible tall man lounging on my couch.

"Andris. What are you doing here?"

He shrugs. "I came to check up on you and this harebrained scheme of yours."

"I've tried everything else. It's as good of an idea as anything," I say defensively. "What else can I do? I'm not willing to sit and wait for the Administrators to come and take me down to the Harbinger floor. Six months is all I've got to make this match or they'll demote my ass."

I throw myself down on the chair matching the white couch and lean my head against the back, staring up at the ceiling. "Six months, Andris. I don't want to be a Harbinger."

"I know, buddy. We'll think of something." He leans over and takes Leonard from my lap, cradling her gently as he pets her. "Do you like my little gift?"

So that's where she came from. "You know, I hadn't actually planned to have a bunny. Look at this mess!"

"True, but you nearly had your mark running for the hills. She was ready to leg it out of here when I popped in to see how you were doing. Poorly, is the answer. You were doing poorly."

I glare at my one remaining friend. Andris is an excellent ally, despite his berating. Everyone else abandoned me when my luck changed and I failed to make my latest match. You'd think they thought I'd somehow rub off on them.

"I could have saved it," I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest.

"She thought you were a serial killer." He smirks. "Maybe she still does."

"Did you want something?" In retaliation for his condescension, I take the bunny back, cuddling her myself. Despite being a tiny agent of chaos, she's awfully soft and snuggly. Maybe having bunnies won't be so bad after all.

Andris leans back on the couch, unfurling his long legs and crossing them at the ankles. He looks relaxed and at home, but then he's someone who's always been able to fit in anywhere. Despite still hanging out with me, the other Cupids haven't shunned him, which speaks for itself. "Well, I thought we could try to hash this out. Why do you think this match keeps failing?"

"I honestly have no fucking idea."

"Do you think perhaps you've been paying a little too much attention to your female target and too little to the male?" The question sounds innocent, but I don't like the shrewd look in his eyes.

"Of course not." I'm offended. I'd never be that unprofessional. Sure, I've checked in on Penelope now and then, but I've checked in on Trevor too. You have to. How else will you plan them meeting? Do some Cupids abuse this and watch their marks too much? Definitely. Am I one of them? No. Some Cupids watch them too much. In situations they really shouldn't. Realizing my thoughts have wandered, I force them back to the matter at hand. "Why would you think so?"

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