Chapter 20: Friendly Meeting

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I'm careful not to step on the bunnies as I walk across the floor to put my bags down on Eros's couch

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I'm careful not to step on the bunnies as I walk across the floor to put my bags down on Eros's couch. It's crazy how much stuff is needed for a wedding. I've picked up Amy's veil, something blue, and an entire set of little trinkets for the other bridesmaids that Amy wants to give them. Turning back to Eros, I smile as I watch him close the door. He's still wearing the same clothes as the night before. At least his walk of shame was only a few steps across the hallway.

Taking my jacket off, I put it on top of the shopping bags before walking over to him and getting up on my tiptoes so I can reach to give him a kiss. My skin is chilled from the cold winter air, making his lips feel extra warm against mine. I'm just about to slide my arms around his neck when I hear a discreet cough from the kitchen. Eros's friend from the hallway last night is sitting at the table, watching us with an amused smile as he's eating a piece of bacon.

"We were just about to have lunch," Eros says, placing a kiss on my temple. "Want to join us?"

I nod and walk over to his friend. "Hi," I say, holding out my hand. "I'm sorry we didn't get to meet properly yesterday. I'm Penelope."

He takes my hand in his and smiles. Maybe it's because I'm cold from being outside, but his hand feels as warm as Eros's always does. "Andris. Nice to finally meet you."

My assessment of this man as a dark angel is not far off. He's at least as handsome as Eros. While looking a little worse for wear after what I assume was a wild night out, with his black clothes a little wrinkled and his dark curls standing slightly on end, he's incredibly good-looking. Feeling a little outclassed in the presence of these two gods, I push a lock of hair behind my ear.

Eros has moved into the kitchen and is preparing another plate for me. Am I imagining things, or is he watching me gawking at his friend? I wish I wasn't, but it's hard not to. I glance at Eros, now busying himself with spreading butter on a slice of toast. He's not jealous, is he? It's hard to imagine, but the way he keeps looking over at us suggests he might be. I smile inwardly. His friend might be extremely handsome, but other than appreciating his looks, I have no interest.

"Finally?" I sit down on a chair and steal a slice of cucumber off Eros's plate. "He's mentioned me?"

A flicker of amusement makes Andris's eyes glitter. "Once or twice."

"Would you like a coffee?" Eros asks with a warning look at his friend.

I shake my head. "No, thank you. I've had enough coffee today. Just some water, please." I turn back to his friend. "So, are you from around here?"

"No, I'm only visiting. We used to be roommates."

"Oh, where do you live?" I steal another cucumber.

He looks bewildered by my question, but I don't know why. It's a fairly standard one as far as questions go. "Uh. Up north."

"You're about as forthcoming as Eros." I smile, both amused and frustrated. If I had any complaints about Eros, it would probably be how tight-lipped he is about his past. Or even his present.

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