Chapter 16: More Time

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"What did you do that for?" Andris asks, exasperated

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"What did you do that for?" Andris asks, exasperated. "This is exactly what you need!"

"Not like this." I shake my head. Whether to emphasize my disagreement or to rid myself of the image of Trevor's lips on Penelope's, I don't know.

"It doesn't matter how!"

I scoff. "Of course it matters how. Kissing doesn't automatically complete the match. Especially if one of them isn't ready."

He frowns. "That's not my experience. A lot of times a kiss will kindle any latent soul mate feelings, no matter the circumstances."

Penelope and Trevor kissing should have me rejoicing. Instead, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I tell myself it's because he was obviously too drunk and she wasn't into it. At least she didn't seem to be. I scowl. Could Andris be right? Will this have triggered whatever it is in humans that make a great match? If it has, it means I am saved from horns but... It also means I will no longer have Penelope. I shake my head again. This time it's definitely to clear it of troubling thoughts.

"This might be just what you needed." Andris sounds excited. "No matter how awkwardly done, Trevor crossed the boundary between friend and potential lover tonight. When you dump her, he'll be right there. Ideally, exactly that. He should be right there."

He gives me a pointed look, and I raise an eyebrow questioningly. "Yes?"

"The wedding!" He slaps me on the back while grinning widely. "It's perfect! You dump her at the wedding and he'll literally be right there to comfort her. They'll both have had a few drinks. It's perfect!"

That means I only have another week. The wedding is next Saturday. My mouth suddenly feels dry. I didn't expect it to work this quickly. I thought I had more time. More time for what?

"Perfect," I mumble when Andris looks like he's expecting an answer.

"I'm so happy for you! And me!" He chuckles. "Soon, you'll be back home and we can get back to the way things used to be before this whole mess!"

"Yeah. It'll be great."

Fortunately, he doesn't hear my lack of enthusiasm. With another whack on my back, he disappears. Possibly to find the blonde from the bar again. I look down at the keys to Penelope's apartment in my hand and smile as I see that the key chain has a grumpy cat face. Of course, it does.

I let myself into her apartment and look around as she's not immediately inside. The living room is dusky, with only a dim light on in a window. Steve the cat rises from the back of the couch and stretches as he sees me, and I stick my tongue out at him. As expected, he only stares back.

Penelope comes out of the bathroom, dressed in pink flannel pajamas, her hair pulled up in a messy bun and a purple toothbrush sticking out of her mouth. She jumps when she sees me and I smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Taking the toothbrush out, she laughs a little. "No, that's okay. I just hadn't realized you'd come in. Give me one second."

She disappears back into the bathroom and I can hear the water running as she finishes up her brushing. I lock the door and hang her keys on a hook on the wall. Steve is watching my every move, making me feel self-conscious. Why do cats always have to stare at you in that creepy way? It was bad enough that he used to do it when I was invisible and checking in on Penelope, it's even more unsettling when he won't stop now. I feel like he'd judging me and somehow I'm coming up short. I need to get a grip. He's just a cat!

I'm saved from my staring contest with Steve by Penelope returning.

"Did your friend leave?" she asks as she pads into the living room on bare feet.

"He did. I think he had other plans." When she comes close, I put my index finger under her chin and gently tilt her head towards me. "Are you okay?"

She gives me a lopsided smile. "I'm fine. He just surprised me. We've been getting on so well lately, and I never realized he wanted more!"

If it wasn't for the threat of my demotion and the thought of growing horns, her obliviousness would be cute. How is she this clueless? It's amazing how Trevor has changed so quickly and is now interested, but Penelope remains unaffected. I can't remember seeing this before in a match during all my years as a Cupid. Has Trevor been interested all along and she's been the issue from the start? Or is it recent and I'm the thing standing between them? So many questions and I won't get any answers tonight.

Andris is right. If Trevor is ready, it's possible that Penelope just needs that last nudge for me to make this match. Finally. The wedding is the perfect time. They have duties to perform together as best man and maid of honor, meaning he will be right there with open arms if I dump her.

"Are you okay?" Penelope is watching me, a line appearing between her brows. "You look miserable."

"Sorry," I mumble. "I was just thinking."

"Anything interesting?"

I force a smile. "Not even remotely."

"Pretty sure that's not true." If she suspects anything sinister, there's no hint of it on her face as she stares up at me, a smile playing on her lips.

As if it has a mind of its own, my hand slides up to curl in the hair behind her ear and she leans her head into my palm. I've been trying so hard to not take the last steps in our relationship for fear of my reaction to her, but as my gaze drops to her mouth, I feel the inexorable pull to kiss her, to hold her, to never let go. I swallow past the lump in my throat. This is a battle I have already lost, so why am I still fighting?

"Eros?" She places a hand lightly on my chest, her eyes searching mine.

I capture her lips, kissing her with an urgency and desperation I'm loath to explain. I just want to stay in this moment where it's just us. No matches. No Cupids. No horns.

As always, she instantly melts into my embrace. Like she belongs there. The warning bells at the back of my mind might be loud sirens by now, but I'm deaf and blind, focused only on the woman in my arms. Tonight it's just us.

If I only have one more week with her... Then I should make the most of it.

 Then I should make the most of it

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