Chapter 25: Pizza Night

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"That must be the pizza!" I tell an uninterested Steve as a knock sounds on the door

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"That must be the pizza!" I tell an uninterested Steve as a knock sounds on the door.

It's Friday night and I've finished a long work week. If anyone deserves pizza, it's me. Pizza. A glass of wine. Maybe a terrible movie. I try not to think about who else enjoyed that combination. Steve will keep me company. I glance at the feline where he's sleeping on top of the couch. Sort of. It's better than no company, I suppose.

Wrenching the door open, the pleasant smile reserved for the pizza delivery person freezes on my face when I come face to face with Eros. Without thinking, I slam the door shut again. I turn my head to stare at Steve, who's sat up, roused by the racket.

"What's he doing here?" I ask the cat, as panic is bubbling inside me. "Is he going to yell at me for not dating Trevor?"

I peer out of the peephole on my door. I can't see any horns, so at least I haven't caused a demotion. Even seeing him through the slightly distorted lens of the peephole is painful. What does he want?

"Penelope?" His voice is muffled on the other side of the door. I wish I looked sexy and composed. Like you want to when running into an ex. You want to look like you don't miss them at all and that you're doing great. Instead, I'm newly showered, hair still damp in a braid down my back, and wearing faded pajama shorts and a tank top to keep me cool in the summer heat. It might keep me cool, but I certainly don't look cool.

I close my eyes for a second before opening the door again. He's still standing in the middle of the hallway, halfway between our doors. If that's even still his door. No one else has moved in since he left, but that could be a coincidence. For a moment we just stare at each other, taking the other in. Five months have done nothing to dull my attraction to him. He's still the sexiest man I've ever seen. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, he looks relaxed and comfortable, but his blond hair is a little messy, like he's run his hand through it a time too many. Maybe he's nervous too?

"What are you doing here?" I finally ask when he's said nothing.

His eyes snap up to mine, and he gives me a crooked smile. "Sorry, I got distracted. It's so good to see you again."

You too. I keep my mouth shut. He left me. Not only that, he specifically left me so I would date another man. I don't care if he's a Cupid. That's just bad form.

"Why are you here?" I ask again.

His gaze flickers as he runs his hand through his hair. Maybe he really is here to check on how his matchmaking is coming along. He won't be happy to know that Trevor recently got engaged to a lovely woman from his firm.

"Can I come in?" he asks.

I hesitate for a moment before nodding. Taking a step back, I open the door wide to allow him entry before closing it behind him. He walks into the living room, and as he's standing there taking everything in, seeing the minor changes I've made since he was last here, I realize he really is as nervous as I am. It makes me feel a little better.

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