Chapter 24: Eighty-Two Percent

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I stare at the matchmaking folders on my desk, trying to summon some semblance of interest

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I stare at the matchmaking folders on my desk, trying to summon some semblance of interest. It's not working. I'm miserable, and no matter how many new matches I make, I can't escape the giant void in my soul.

Since being back, my matchmaking mojo seems to have returned, and I'm making every match assigned to me with little to no trouble. It's like the last decade of constant failure never happened. If not for the hollowness in my chest threatening to engulf me. I miss her so much it hurts.

I even miss the furry miscreants. Before leaving the mortal realm, I gifted them to Penelope's nephew, so at least I know they have a wonderful home. Hopefully, Penelope is doing well too. I've resisted the temptation to check in on her. The deadline for matching her with Trevor has come and gone, and I have not been demoted, so they must be together. As much as I take some comfort in knowing she has her happily ever after, I don't want to see it. I don't think I can watch her happily in love with another man.

"Why so gloomy?"

I look up from my desk to stare at Fate. She rarely comes to the Cupid quarters, and seeing her here is nothing short of astonishing. This is the second time she's sought me out in the last few months. First in that bar with Andris, and again now.

"I think you know," I mutter, in no mood to play her games.

"Missing your human?" She sits down on my desk, absently rifling through a few papers. With a frown, I take them from her before she messes up my system.

"My human?" I grunt. "She's not a lost puppy."

Fate smirks. "I'm aware. How is she doing?"

I stare down at my papers. "How would I know? She's obviously matched with Trevor, or I'd be wearing horns by now. The full decade has gone."

It's difficult to imagine it's been five months since I saw her. It feels like a century, at least. Immortality has never seemed less appealing. What's the point of eternity if you face it alone? I scowl, not liking the direction my thoughts are heading.

"You haven't been tempted to at least peek?"

"No." Yes.

"Well, I have."

My head snaps back up to stare at her. I don't want to ask. I don't want to know. But at the same time... I desperately do.

"You might be surprised," she says casually as she holds her hand out to inspect her fingernails. I'm not fooled. She's definitely up to something.

"Spill," I demand.

Fate turns her head to look at me, her amber eyes watching me thoughtfully. "She misses you."

I try to keep my face even, not wanting to betray how much those words hurt. I miss her too. So damn much.

"And Trevor?" I hate that I asked.

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