Chapter 23a: This is the End (pt 1)

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I stare at Eros, fighting the burning sensation in my eyes and the lump in my throat

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I stare at Eros, fighting the burning sensation in my eyes and the lump in my throat.

"You're breaking up with me?"

He takes a step towards me. "Penelope, I—"

Hearing a noise, I turn my head. "What the... Andris? What are you doing here?"

The next moment he's not. There. I stare at the spot where he was only a moment ago. "What... What's going on? Am I going insane?"

"Fuck's sake, Andris!" Eros curses. "What are you doing?"

Suddenly his friend is there again, a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry! I panicked!"

How much did I have to drink today? Am I asleep? This doesn't seem real. I find a stone bench and sit down, still staring at the two men, my mouth open in shock.

"Someone had better start talking," I say. "I think I might be losing my mind."

"I'll... Um... I'll make myself scarce." Andris disappears again and Eros turns his head to look at me, a concerned line between his brows.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he comes to sit down next to me, taking my hands in his. How is he still warm? He's been out here for several minutes, and I'm freezing already.

"No," I say bluntly. "Your friend just vanished into thin air." My voice raises an octave with every word.

He makes a face. "Yes, you weren't meant to see that."

I stare at him. "No shit." I take a gulping breath. "Ignoring the fact that he was at a wedding he wasn't invited to... What the hell is going on? People don't just... do that."

"They don't," he agrees, his warm hands massaging my cold ones. "Why don't we go inside before you catch a chill?"

I nod numbly as I debate between never drinking again and having another ten drinks to forget what I just saw. He leads me back indoors to the now empty dining room. Everyone has moved downstairs to the reception area, and we might have a few minutes before the staff clears the tables. We don't stay there though, which is probably a good decision, instead continuing until Eros finds a small unused room and lets us inside.

Once he closes the door behind us, I turn around to look at him. I have so many questions and I honestly don't know where to start. Do I want to talk about him breaking up with me or his friend who can become invisible? Teleport? Whatever-he-can-do? The answer is both.

"Talk," I say when he doesn't immediately explain everything.

He runs a hand through his hair, watching me with guarded eyes. Now is not the time to be tight-lipped. My temper sparks.

"Okay. I'll start. You've been a little strange all along, but no more than I could handle. Seeming to know a little too much about me. Saying odd things like brethren and calling people humans. Being very evasive whenever I asked questions about your past."

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