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Fate smiles as she watches the happy couple having a picnic in the lush green grass of the garden of their new house

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Fate smiles as she watches the happy couple having a picnic in the lush green grass of the garden of their new house. Everything had worked out in the end, even if it took Eros a little longer than expected to figure out his feelings. Men. Even after centuries as Cupids, they could be expected to be stupid in the face of love.

"It's a little creepy to be spying on them like this, isn't it?"

She turns her head to look at Andris as he comes up behind her. The handsome Cupid watches the couple as well.

"It'd be creepier if they could see us."

He chuckles, a dark sound that isn't entirely unpleasant. "True. I can't argue with that."

They remain silent, enjoying the scene in front of them. Fate's smile widens as Eros fishes a little box out of his pocket and holds it up to Penelope, who whoops and throws herself around his neck, toppling them both to the ground.

"What will happen to them?"

"They will live out their mortal lives like most mortals." She shrugs.

"And then Eros will return to us." Andris turns his head to look at her. "Won't he miss her?"

She meets his dark eyes. "Penelope's soul is slated to be a new Cupid, so they will have eternity together."

Andris's mouth drops and his eyes widen. "Why haven't you told them?"

"Some things are better as surprises. Can't tell everyone everything."

"I'd argue that you tell no one anything."

A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. "That's unfair, Andris. I told you about Eros and Penelope's match so you could help me."

"Only because you needed the help of a Cupid."

"Come now, Andris. Don't be like that. We've had fun, haven't we?"

He stares straight ahead, refusing to look at her, but he nods. "Yes, it's been fun."

"And now your best friend has his happily ever after. I'd say it's a win-win."

Andris sighs, then smiles. "You're right. I'm happy for him." He nods towards the couple, busy kissing on the lawn, tugging at each other's clothes. "I think it's time for us to take our leave."

Fate nods. "Yes, nobody needs to see that."

He sketches her a half-mocking bow. "Until next time."

"Until next time," she mumbles with a last look at the happy couple, a wistful smile playing on her lips.


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