Chapter 14b: Night Out (pt 2)

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As the women scamper off, Fate slides in next to Andris, who scoots over to give her space

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As the women scamper off, Fate slides in next to Andris, who scoots over to give her space. You don't touch Fate without her permission, even if by accident when sitting next to her. She raises her hand, and a server appears as if they have been waiting for this their entire life, a Piña colada on their tray.

"Excuse me," the young man says. "I thought you'd like this, but I don't know why."

Fate smiles and nods, making him beam back as he places the drink in front of her, complete with a pink umbrella. Then he disappears without remembering to ask for payment. Fate picks up the umbrella and sucks the liquid off the bottom of the stick, and I swear there's a collective gasp around the room as everyone is watching. I only barely avoid rolling my eyes.

Finally, she looks at us, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Hello, boys."

"Hey." I raise an eyebrow. "What brings you here? You don't come to the mortal plane much."

She lifts one shoulder in a dainty shrug. "Even I can get bored. Andris mentioned he was seeing you, so I thought I'd join in. I'm curious about how you're getting on. It's such a novel approach."

I note that Andris has said nothing yet. He's watching the tiny umbrella as she's absently twirling it between her fingertips.

"I'm making progress," I mutter gruffly, not really in a mood to get into details. I have a suspicion she won't think it's a particularly good idea, and half the time I'm inclined to agree. The other half I'm busy kissing Penelope and think little at all.

"It's all so fascinating. You used to be so talented." She takes a sip of her drink. "Ah, humans do know how to make these. So much better than anything we get. You'd think over the centuries we'd have come up with something better than the Nectar of the Gods, which is just a sad excuse for a drink, really."

"No need when we can just get it from the humans." I shrug.

Her face scrunches up in distaste. "I know, but it means I have to come down here, and it's so... dirty."

"It's not so bad." As long as you don't live with bunnies. "And I still think something is inaccurate with this match. It shouldn't be this hard."

After another sip, she licks the froth off her upper lip and gives me an apologetic smile. "I've gone over it again. Since you were the best, and this spectacular failing doesn't seem typical for you."

My hopes are raised for a moment before she continues. "But I have to tell you, the numbers come back correct. It's an eighty-two percent match. Whatever makes them fail is not because of their compatibility numbers."

I sigh. If Fate has personally checked, that's it. The problem is not them, it's me. I've somehow completely lost all matchmaking abilities. No Cupid is expected to make every single match, but I used to. We can drop most matches if they're not happening... Unless they're eighty percent and above. If only they had been a few percent less, I would have dropped their asses years ago.

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