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Harry came out in the large antechamber with the arch in the middle and ran down the steps so that he was closer to the arch and not going to be fighting on the stairs, which could result in injuries. The Death Eaters came in behind him, spreading out so that he was surrounded and coming down the stairs to get closer to him.

"Give us the prophecy Potter, and no one else need get hurt," Lucius said quietly, his voice echoing around the stone chamber. "We don't wish to hurt our allies, after all."

"Why do you even want something so small? What's so important about it?" Harry asked, holding the orb up high, contacting Neville and Luna as he did, since he was able to spare the concentration to hold two conversations, which was easier than if he was fighting, which he wasn't.


"Just arrived. Flit's directing them to where Streak is and mentioned the Ducklings following you, and Eclipse is checking Flame's ankle. They told us we have to stay here," Luna replied.

"It's not like you're going to just let us go once you have it," Harry called, dropping his hold on the shadows he had placed around Hermione. His eyes flicked up to the door to the chamber right as a handful of Chickens ran in; Sirius, Kingsley, Mad-Eye. The three started firing hexes and curses at the Death Eaters, and they were soon joined by Tonks and Remus; Harry would bet they had been the two to go help Hermione, especially since Remus had been the one to help Ginny.

Harry joined in the battle, keeping a shield up and firing off some of his own hexes and jinxes. Sirius appeared next to him, and they ended up fighting side by side against Lucius and another Elite member. His grip on the copy of the orb loosened slightly as he ducked a curse, and it slipped out of his hand as he twisted to avoid a second spell, shattering on the floor, and causing an image of a woman to rise silently out of the pieces. But in the heat of the battle, no one noticed.

"Harry. Get to the others and get out. We'll handle this," Sirius demanded, ducking under a curse that flew towards him. Harry sent a tripping jinx at the other Elite member, using the distraction it gave him to break away from the duel and run. He turned on the stairs and saw his mother take over the duel with Sirius, Lucius moving to fight Mad-Eye. He hurried up the stairs that led out of the antechamber, when he heard a cry of relief from the three loyal Chickens. He turned around quickly, trying to find the source of relief.

He saw Dumbledore standing in another doorway, quickly making his way down to the floor, his wand already out and casting. He turned to make sure Sirius was alright as he heard Sirius let out a bark-like laugh and watched, as if in slow motion, as a curse from Bellatrix hit Sirius in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards. Sirius started to catch himself, before something made him continue stumbling, causing him to topple over and fall through the archway that was in the middle of the chamber. Harry froze, hoping against hope that he would see Sirius emerge on the other side of the curtain, even as he somehow knew that he wouldn't. He was so focussed on watching the arch, on begging Sirius to reappear, that he almost didn't notice Remus appear next to him.

"Harry, you have to get the others and get out," Remus said urgently.

"Sirius," Harry murmured, before raising his voice and yelling. "Sirius!"

"He's gone Harry. There's nothing you can do. He's gone, and you have to get the others and go," Remus said again, and this time Harry could hear the grief in his voice that he was hiding as he focused on the task at hand.

"No. No, he's not gone," Harry said, not wanting to believe that Sirius was truly gone. His attention snapped around to Bellatrix as she laughed, her ringing voice echoing around the chamber.

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