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I know it's been a while, and I thank you for sticking with the story, so I thought I'd remind you who the main nicknames are for.

Harry - Shadow / Hadrian - Prince
Hermione - Streak
Ron - Striker
Neville - Flit
Luna - Flicker
Ginny - Flame
Fred - Chaos
George - Mayhem
Marvolo/Voldemort - Basilisk
Death Eaters - Ducklings
Dumbledore - Lemons
Order of the Phoenix - (Flaming) Chickens




Hadrian stepped out of the shadows and into the dining room, his new purchases being directed to his room as he banished the shadows around him. His parents were already at the table, Rabastan sitting next to his papa as well - Rabastan normally dined with the other Elite and Inner Circle who were living there, so it was a surprise to see him at the table, but not an unpleasant one.

"Good evening father, mother, papa, Rabastan," Hadrian said as he slid into his seat next to his mother.

"Good evening, Hadrian," his father said, the others nodding their own greetings. "Did you have a productive day doing whatever you were doing today?"

"I did. We visited Gringotts and all our claims were successful. And I had a very productive shopping trip afterwards."

"Who did you visit Gringotts with?" his mother asked.

"Striker, Flit, Shadow, and I all visited to claim our headships. Striker and Shadow will be joining me when we enter the Wizengamot, and possibly the balls this season if they can. Flit is under more pressure and won't be able to join us until we reach the Wizengamot."

"What houses?" Rabastan asked curiously, taking a sip of his wine.

"Hmm, a few surprising ones," Hadrian replied. They had decided to keep most of their houses private apart the obvious ones, such as the Longbottom one, and especially Gryffindor until they entered the Wizengamot. Hadrian carefully cut up his food as he redirected the conversation. "Much like it is a pleasant surprise to see you Rabastan."

"There are only so many days I can deal with the others in a row. The Elite here are tolerable and I enjoy their company, but there are a few Inner Circle who struggle to carry an interesting conversation on topics other than their line of work. And seeing as everyone here has been in Azkaban for the past decade, there is only so many things to discuss."

"You just don't want to say you missed us," Rod teased, nudging his brother gently. Rabastan didn't say anything, taking another sip of his wine while keeping a straight face. However, judging on his papa's expression and pained exclamation, his uncle had kicked his papa in retaliation.

"I find it amusing that our son is more mature than the two of you," Marvolo mused, taking a bite of his chicken.

"Yeah boys, grow up," Bella added with a laugh. Hadrian stifled his own laughter, knowing that he was just as bad around his friends, if not worse.

"Oh, I just remembered, father, mother, papa. You know of my friends, the ones who wear an earpiece like I do. Have I mentioned that I consider them closer to family than friends?"

"I seem to remember you mentioning that one of them was like a sibling when you mentioned love potions at our first meeting," Marvolo said. Hadrian grimaced at the reminder of Lemons and Molly trying to force him and Ginny together.

"Yes, our group consider each other family, especially due to the way many of our group do not get along with their family, and in my case before last year, believed they didn't have a family. However, I believe that you should be aware that there is one in the group that I have already declared as part of my family."

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