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Sirius and Remus spent the next few minutes looking back and forth between the tapestry and Hadrian. Finally, Sirius spoke.

"What?" he asked hoarsely.

"According to the inheritance test, my birth name is Hadrian Rigel Slytherin-Lestrange. I am the biological son of Marvolo Slytherin, previously Tom Riddle, and Bellatrix Slytherin-Lestrange. I am the blood adopted son of Rodolphus Lestrange. I am also the magically adopted son of Lily and James Potter, under the name of Harry James Potter," he explained.

It was another two hours later that Remus and Sirius had finally finished with all their questions. Harry, having switched back to his Harry Potter form after the interrogation of sorts, headed into the mistress bedroom, where Buckbeak was. He spun back three hours, to just before he had arrived. He waited, next to Buckbeak, happily scratching the hippogriffs beak, until he heard the sound of Sirius' door open and shut again. He had just entered the room, meaning that he could head back to Hogsmeade without running into himself.

He quickly shifted, shadowing back into the alley he had left from, before changing into human again. He casually left the alleyway, heading into the Three Broomsticks, where he had planned to meet his friends. He headed over to their table, slipping into the free seat next to Hermione, pushing the turner into her hand as her sat down. Ron saw him, pushing a butterbeer over to him before setting some privacy wards around the table.

"So, how'd it go?" Neville asked. Harry took a sip of his butterbeer before answering.

"It wasn't too bad. I got my answers. I found out that I only have one more chance for grandparents. We talked. I answered their questions. We planned a bit, mostly about what I'm going to do with the information. We discussed how it happened in the first place." He shrugged.

"One more chance for grandparents?" Ginny asked, deciding to start with the aspect that would raise the least amount of questions.

"Yeah. My mother's parents are dead, they died 10 years ago. Meaning that my papa's parents are my only chance left at having grandparents."

"You'd think that-"

"-having five parents-"

"-would give you more hope-"

"-of having grandparents," George finished.

"You would. But dad's parents died before I was born, mum's parents died in her last year of school, father's mother died in childbirth and father killed his father, and now mother's parents are dead as well. The family tree is quite interesting through. It shows both of my names, and my picture is a dual picture, showing both my faces. And I have three different coloured lines connecting me to my various parents." Harry took another sip of his drink, watching his family think.

"How did Howl and Eclipse take it?"

"Well, Eclipse was very confused when I first brought up any secrets that they knew about me. Howl knew that I was adopted. Apparently, mum and dad had planned to tell me when I turned 17. Sirius was the only one who knew I was adopted, apart from mum and dad, and Lemons, who brought me to them in the first place, although Lemons didn't know I had been blood adopted already; he probably thought I was just the son of Bellatrix and Rodolphus, since no one knows that Bellatrix Lestrange is actually Bellatrix Slytherin-Lestrange," he explained.

"What did they tell everyone else?" Hermione asked. "I mean, your mum just suddenly has a baby, and everyone believes that you're hers?"

"She had been pregnant, and her due date was the end of July. There was a complication around the end of her second trimester and she had to have an abortion, or risk both the baby and her dying during the birth. According to Sirius, she was devastated and didn't leave the house. And then she was sick and had to stay home. By the time that Lemons appeared at their house with a baby that he claimed was orphaned from a Death Eater raid with no family remaining, it had been ages since anyone had seen her and she had passed her due date." He shrugged.

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