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The shadows deposited him on one of the couches near the fire in his room, and he sunk back, letting the tension that had filled him through the meal and whole conversation slowly drain away. He sighed and ran one hand through his hair; he really didn't want that information to come out. He let his head fall back onto the back of the couch, before sitting up slightly; he should probably contact the others, so they knew he was ok. And, you know, still alive. He activated his ear piece and sent out a request to everyone, hearing all the clicks as they all connected.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Harry. You're alright," Hermione said, and he heard he relieved sigh.

"About time, mate."

"Are you alright?" Hadrian ran his hand through his hair at Ginny's question, honestly not sure how to answer that.

"I'm better than I was?" he offered.

"How are you coping after Sirius? Especially since, from what I've heard Mayhem and Chaos say the Chickens mentioned, it was Bellatrix who killed him," Neville asked.

"Well, I spent the last week designing, creating, and going through all the files you guys passed to me to look over, depending on my mood. And I meditated all of yesterday and sorted through my memories. On that note, we need to meet, there's a lot of things we need to talk about and its best they're discussed in person," he said. He also wanted to break the enchantments that were on them all, since he knew exactly what was on each of them and release the obliviates that they had. It would be a lot quicker for them if he released their obliviates rather than having them unravel them themselves, even if his way would be a lot more painful; that's what pain potions were for.

"We can probably get together some time next week. We'll have to work out how Flame and I can escape Molly, but we'll make it work," Ron said.

"How's it going with your parents?" Hermione asked.

"Well, last night, actually it was technically early this morning, my papa found me in the duelling room trying to work my anger off. Long story short, I ended up ranting to him and accidentally revealing a lot more than I was intending to which led him to working out that I'm Harry Potter. And then at breakfast this morning, which was the first meal I actually had with my parents, since I've sort of been hiding from them while I worked everything out, resulted in a lot of things including them finding out I'm Harry Potter and the various things Lemons did to us which led to me using my shadows to escape to my room."

"By the various things, do you mean everything?" Neville asked.

"I mean everything. While I was ranting to my papa, I may have let slip about a core block having been on me, and he thought it was wise to tell my mother and father that. Which is why I ran. I did not want to be there when they fully processed that Lemons put a 50% core block on their only son and heir when he was fifteen months old, after kidnapping him and then convincing Basilisk to try and kill his own son."

"That's fair," Fred said.

"So you're hiding now?" George asked.

"Not really. I just ran back to my room. They can just ask a house elf where I am. I don't know if they'll come find me though, since I'm in the Heir's corridor."

"I got you more material Hadrian if you want to come get it. And I'm happy to have a look at the orb," Luna said. Hadrian smiled and shook his head in disbelief; all of them had given up trying to work out how Luna just knew things.

"Thanks, I'll come over now."

"We'll meet end of next week?" Hermione asked.

"That should work. And then we meet to discuss OWL results and the plan for next term a week before term starts," Ron agreed.

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