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Harry easily slipped into step with Fred and George as they entered the Hogwarts grounds. He easily noticed all the bags they were carrying, noting that they were all full to the brim; most of the things objects that he didn't recognise, or had no idea why they would need it.

"Get everything?" he asked. Fred and George didn't even react to his presence suddenly appearing, so used to him doing that type of thing by now that they were accustomed to it.

"Yep," they answered. They continued to walk in silence up to the castle, heading straight to the seventh floor so they could use the Room of Requirements. After making sure that no one was around, they each cast a disillusionment charm over themselves, just in case anyone had been on the seventh floor at the time they turned back to. Harry took a moment to find George, who had the turner, and Fred, who was next to him. Once the twins knew he was right next to them, George threw the turner over his neck as well, before turning it.

Once the world had come back into focus, Harry checked his surroundings before dropping his disillusionment and casting a tempest to check the time, calling a floating clock to appear before him. It was 6 o'clock, meaning they had gone back about ten hours. George and Fred dropped their own disillusionments and slipped the necklace off their necks, leaving it hanging around Harry's neck. Harry nodded his thanks, as they knew he would want to go back again; they knew that he almost always went back twice when he turned, unless he turned back to destroy stuff, even if the others didn't.

The door appeared leading into the room and the three entered, warding the door shut behind them. The room was partially sectioned off with a thick, see-through, though clearly indestructible, wall separating the room in half for about three-quarters of the room. Most likely to protect Harry and his work if the twins accidently blew something up like they often ended up doing. One half had a desk and lots of open space for Harry, in case he wanted to work on with spells, while the other half was in sections. One part was a potions lab, another section held a desk large enough for the two of them, and the third section contained a work station.

"Do you guys mind if I, uh, go back to my base form? Now that I know who I, um, am, I want to get more comfortable and ... used to it," he asked hesitantly.

"Go ahead Shadow," Fred replied, already heading towards their workspace.

"We don't care, so long as you're comfortable,: George agreed, following his twin to the desk in their section. Harry smiled and slowly let his morph fall away. He had a feeling that he would end up wearing his base form a lot in the coming years, especially if one of his ideas, an idea he hadn't shared with the others yet, was put into action. So getting used to how he originally looked, and getting his friends comfortable with his base form, as he could tell a few of them had been a bit unnerved by his vast change in appearance, would be needed.

He slipped behind the desk, dropping his bag next to him, and pulling out everything he needed for the project he was working on; the project that the others knew about and he used as a cover for his other research sometimes. He spread the sheets of parchment in front of him, pulling out the books he was using as references, as well as his information book that had the information that he had gained by talking directly to those that the laws pertained to. He was slowly working on re-wording, or completely re-writing, the more discriminatory laws within the ministry, such as the creature laws and the ones that were biased against muggle-borns.

He also had a few new laws that he was slipping in amongst the others, as he knew he would be told off if they found out he was writing completely new laws as well as re-writing or re-wording the old laws; thankfully, there were so many laws that contradicted each other or were discriminatory, that it would be hard to notice. The others had offered to help him with the laws, but he had insisted on working on them himself, only handing over the ones he was happy with for the others to look over and give input on.

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