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It was dark

and it was hard to more given by the fact that you are currently bind in your arms and ankles


footsteps echo inside the dark room

you can't see anything

but you can feel him

he was near

you tried to move

but the your bind was no ordinary bind

you just kept on getting exhausted

You're scared

scared of what that guy could possibly do to you


It was a sing sang tone

If you could, you'd like to tear off your ear, hoping to never hear that voice again


Go away


Shut up


Someone save you


"(First name)!"

You felt someone shook you off, causing you to jolt awake from your nightmare, causing to to sat up as soon as possible.

"You're finally awa-.."

Looking up from your lap to your lover who was right in front of you in the bed

You gave him a look of confusion for he stop mid sentence with is unusual for him. Though he barely spoke, when he does he never once utter or waiver.

You watch him then raise his and, placing it against your cheek before gentle caressing it, causing you to lean in as you feel his warmth.

"Why are you crying?"

Though there seems no emotion in his voice

You can feel him worried, at the same time you felt surprised to hear that. Making you hiccup all of a sudden. Realizing the fact that you are in fact, crying.


Recalling that ugly tone that's been hunting you for years. You felt a shiver down your spine.

"(First name)"

He once again caresses your tear stained cheeks, causing your stiffen figure to somehow loosen up, you really can relax under his touch

Just like that day when he saved you from what it seems like eternal darkness. He was the one to provide you out of the darkness, he was the one who give you freedom, he was the one to show you warmth and light.

He was her saviour.

His actions were enough, you'll forever be grateful for it. So with burden heart, you took initiative to smile gentle at him.

Leaning once again on his touch while placing your hand on his.

"I'm fine"

You assure him

"It was just a nightmare"

You admitted

I was nothing more than a nightmare, he's not coming back anymore. It was nothing more than a memory yet it still feared you, but there is no need to think to much about it. You have him by your side.

"Let's go back to sleep"

You smile at him before gently taking away his hand on your cheek

There was silence, and the sound of sheets ruffle as he watch you lay down once again, turning your back at him as he continue to sat down right beside you.

Soon enough he too lay down, facing your back as he admire it a bit.

"It is okay to cry"

He stated, warping his arms around your shaking figure

He had seen different side of you, happy, sad, terrified. So there was no use on hiding it to him. He might be gone for a couple of hundred years, but you always stay the same. And he was thankful for that, for you are the only woman he ever loved.

"It's okay to feel terrified"

He was a man who only speak when needed or when he felt like asking something. He was a man who was barely seen with emotions on his face.

But for his lover, he wouldn't mind letting out a couple of words to make her feel safe.

"I'm here"

He could hear your hiccup

He don't know what you've been through in the hands of his brother and his mens, you never talked about it.

"No one's going to hurt you as long as I'm here"

He stated

And there you face him, crying in his arms. Though there was no words after that, his presence was enough. And that kiss on top of your head was enough to make you feel safe as he kept you close to him.

Her Saviour (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel)Where stories live. Discover now