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So I was talking to my beta @TheMoonsMadness and we happen to talk about some things before XD.


"I didn't know you two were like that, Izuku." She smiled at her younger twin brother, beaming brightly, her hands behind her back. There was something on her hands, a magazine which was sent to her by someone unknown, all wrinkled from the amount of strength she's using. Who cares who made it but this?

This was madness.


Sakura turned, her smile turning upside down and her eyes not blinking and looking like dead fish. "Haha," She laughed with her smile down, whispering to the blond male whose face was paler than even Uchiha Sasuke himself. "You better fucking take care of him, dipshit."

"HUH?!" He screamed before taking a step back. After a moment, he realized what he did and finally snapped out of his daze. Sakura points her middle finger to the magazine after shoving it to his face. His face turned red, not because he's blushing but because of anger. "WHAT THE FUCK, FOREHEAD. NO. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!" 

The magazine which laid open for the three of them to see. Two men fighting on the bed with their 2 swords out and their faces flushed from pleasure. It was a horrifying scene.

And kinda good to see. 

Sakura fake cries, the betrayal seen in her eyes. Her brother and her best friend who is her brother's bully. "Promise to take care of him, wan-wan." 





"YOU SON OF A BITCH," Sakura threw the magazine to his face. A vein popping out of control and rather than looking like a complete human, she ended up looking like the ugly bitch she was. "TAKING MY BROTHER'S CHASTITY, PLOWING HIS CHRYSANTHEMUM AND YOU DON'T DARE TAKE GOOD CARE OF HIM?!"

"It's okay Wan-wan, I get that you love my brother that much." 

Izuku who has been in a daze after seeing the magazine blinked his eyes before his face exploded in flames. Huh?


Guess, she'll end up with either—


Wait. No.

Boys are fucking idiots. 

Maybe she'll end up with a girl.




*Holds your hands and swings a little bit while we walk.*


*Swings my arm around at maximum velocity and flings you into the sun.*


Jokes on you, I'm not letting go. You're coming with me.


"Hey, buddy. " Sakura leaned behind her, her little brother writing on his notebook stared at her. They were in fact inside her room, the only place in the house with a fan.  

It was Saturday. A very hot Saturday. With no AC.

The younger by how-many-whatchu-know-minute-or-hours swiped the sweat going down his face, his green eyes blinking at her. "Yes, nee-chan?"

"So all this time," Sakura started, "Do you remember how much you dreamed to get inside U.A?"

"Yeah?" The younger asked, "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Sakura turned back to her phone, texting her friends or whatever she may be doing. "There's no way you're gonna leave U.A, right?"


Don't spoil. 

Book 2 (HOLD) might take long because of school. >:DD

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