16. Surprise

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"There is talent, there is genius, and then there are abominations."



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Sakura shook her head at her little brother.

"Thank you, Sakura-chan." Chiyo-sensei told her as she healed him, "But you can go now. I can handle it from here on."

Sakura nodded her head, never mind her complaining in her head, Chiyo-sensei is still a superior.

A shinobi must follow their commander's instructions.

Besides, she flicker her eyes to the sleeping boy, Izuku was fine by now.

Recovery Girl shooed her and Neji along with All Might who was in his civilian form out of the infirmary, not before shoving multiple gummies in her hand.

A sign was then put up in the door.

Operation underway and a loud kissing sound was heard from inside.

She smiled.

What an interesting way to heal someone.

While Chiyo-sensei's Quirk was healing through kisses, Sakura doesn't deny that the healing ability was useful even if it takes energy as she heals.

It is as everyone says, there will always be an equivalent exchange.

It's quite the same for basic Medical jutsu.

Medical jutsu isn't magic, she mused to herself, remembering Tsunade-sama's lesson in her head.

No matter what, it cannot heal a person who's dead.

As an Iryo-nin, she will always prepare for the worst because she knows that no matter what, Medical Ninjutsu isn't magic. It cannot create miracles.

The basic Medical jutsu use a combination of the chakra of the medic-nin and the energy of the patient's body to heal wounds and treat sickness. It is common for patients to experience exhaustion and increased appetite after healing.

An intensive healing may well leave a patient bed-ridden for a time while they replenish their body's reserves. Medical jutsu is not magic.

A rookie in Medicine will always think that medical jutsu can always save a life especially in battle, it's true but erase the always. In Konoha, It's mandatory to learn basic healing even if you don't have talent for it, it's a mandatory for one or two members in a team to learn.

There's a reason why there's a limit to Iryo-nins, if she says chakra control is the sole reason, she would be lying.

You need brains and experience to be an Iryo-nin.

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