The Brother And Son Who Loves

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"I love you."


══════════════The brother who loves

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The brother who loves.

Itachi was a cold and emotionless man. He killed his parents without even a tremble, made his little brother's life a living hell and killed his own bestfriend.

Uchiha itachi was tired.

He remembered as a child, bits of informations of the life he had before sliding inside his brain, slowly as if waiting for something to completely unlock the locks inside him.

He was confused at first because-

He remembered playing with their family dog, a three years old child with comprehension higher than his age. Uchiha Itachi is a genius.

Is and always will be.

He remembered a faceless man, smiling at him with blood falling down on his face as if tears. He loves him, Itachi realized. He loves the man with all his soul, he looked up to him. He yearned for him.

Itachi cried because what was he supposed to do? He was a toddler, genius or not, he was still a baby whose brain and emotions was messing with him as if messing the life he had before was not enough for fate. Uchiha Itachi is heartless.

But Aiuchi Itachi was not, a child who was born unfortunately in a world that cycles around powers and extensions of a person. He was a child who was unfortunately the reincarnation of a man whose life was miserable, a twisted man, a sickly dead person who killed his family for his village and for the brother he loves.

Yukimura Itachi was three and he knew how the world was unfair to people like him.

People who are shunned by the society they were born into because of the reason that they were different.

Humans hate because of greed, humans shun because of the same reason, humans sneers because of the same reason.

They just hate and Itachi, both the past and the present, hated it. He was a pacifist in all his lives.

Yukimura Itachi hated Uchiha Itachi because why would he want to kill his family when they love him so much?

He wanted a family like him-

He looked up at the people who had been with him, not recognizing who they are because where is the black hair, pale skin and pretty face.

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