05. The Start Of The Beginning

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"You've turned into a beautiful flower."



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"Hello, gremlin." Sakura greeted the blond boy, her hand on his shoulder. A smile on her face, Now what to do with this little shit?

14 years has already passed ever since her rebirth, a lot of things has happened. She's in her last of her junior high, she kept in touch with her upperclassmen and with Ojiro-san.

To be fair, they were her only friends. It was sad but she really don't care.

She sighed, this world is really depressing. When she was 14 in her old life, she was helping around the hospital, healing people for her apprenticeship.

In this world, she's still in school.

Do you know that in this world, a person can only become a doctor after studying for 10 years?

WhAt'S WiTH thAt?

The amount of hours if she decides to become a doctor would be tripled. How dumb can humans be?

"I didn't do anything when you were sprouting nonsense in Izuku's face but if I ever see you belittle his dream again when clearly he's doing his best not to give up on it," Sakura paused as she dodged another of his strike. "I'll show your nudes to the whole world."

Now, how did she got it? Don't ask her, ask her Aunty.

"My what now, forehead?!" He yelled as Sakura ducked before swiftly going behind him. She tapped her hand in a certain part of his back and leaped away from him.

"The spot between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertibrae," She stated easily, tapping her chin. "If I were to hit that seriously, you'll probably feel numbness in your legs for your whole life if not treated right."

The gremlin glared at her, his fist behind him, to other people, he'd be fast but she'd fought opponents faster than him and she has a different advantage in comparison to him.

Experience. Speed. Strength. Body coordination. Observation. His weaknesses.

She really need to thank her little brother for his notes.

Sakura turned her head to the side, the gremlin's fist passing through where her head was supposed to be. Persistent gremlin. She grabbed his other hand and swiftly kick the back of his legs making him tumble.

Sloppy but she could see power in his strikes. He's been training.

She already saw that his abdominal muscles was starting to form but she didn't drool at it unlike her female classmates. She had already seen a lot of firmer ones when she was working at the hospital and she was immune to it

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