𑁍 Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tᴡᴏ 𑁍

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"So, as you guys know, you'll marry soon..." Jacky started, while Kate, Thomas and Newt listened carefully.

"The marriage will be in a month, me and Kate are going to plan it, now Newt. I made you pack your stuff because you'll going to live with Thomas even if it's a month you won't be husband and husband, I think it's a great time where you guys can get to know each other. "

Newt's body tensed slightly, he covered everything up with a small smile and a nod. When Jacky was done talking, she stood up and gestured Kate out.

"Now Jack Jack and I have to go and check out the café, have fun, but not too much," Kate said, winking at the boys before leaving the house.

Newt cleared his throat quietly, shifted on the couch a little bit and looked down at his lap, while Thomas was watching his every move. He saw the blonde hair falling down on the boy's forehead, his eyes fixed on one point of his finger and every now and then he would brinkle up his nose bridge, probably keeping himself from crying.

"Uhm, how was your breakfast?" Thomas asked, trying to melt the tension between the two.

The blonde had a nice breakfast actually, with honey and toast, he even got to drink his favorite tea. Newt gave him a nod and finally decided to look up at the brunet. He had a small smile on his face and was nervously rubbing his fingers together.

"Nice, I actually wanted to... Say something about this... Y-you know, we don't have to be lovers at all, if you don't want to, our lives shouldn't depend on each other if you don't want to," Thomas breathed out.

Newt was a little bit startled, he didn't know the brunet could be so kind and good hearted. He gave him a smile, not know what to say, like always. He didn't say a word since he came in his new house.

"Alright," Thomas said quietly.

"Do you want to look through the house? I- we have a garden, hobby room and I heard you sell your art... I actually have a free room, if you want to you can have it as an art room."

It was a kind gesture from Thomas and Newt couldn't help, but smile and nod once again. He felt bad for not saying something, so he tried. He slightly opened his mouth and looked at Thomas.

"T-thank you."

Thomas smiled at him even more, he wanted to place his hand on Newt's shoulder, but he flinched away from the brunet. Thomas muttered "Sorry." and stood up, took empty mugs from the coffee table and carried them to the kitchen.

Newt stood up, decided to take a look at his new home. He already saw the big bathroom, the kitchen, which was connected to the living room and some part of the backyard, which looked beautiful in Newt's opinion.

"I'll look," Newt informed, still talking quietly.

Thomas hummed, nor even turning around. Newt slowly walked through the house, looked at many different pictures on the walls. He went into the first room, revealing Thomas' room.

It was big, a big bed, a desk, two night stands, a big closet and a bathroom. The walls were white and had some black stripes. He saw a picture on the night stand and walked over to it. He saw three boys and two girls hanging out together in a restaurant. One of the boys was Asian and the other had weird eyebrows. One of the two girls sat on the other girl's lap and was kissing her cheek. Newt smiled at the picture, stood up and walked out of the room.

He went into the bathroom, even if he saw it already. The bath was white, the floor designed with black and white, looking like a huge chess board. He saw the small shower and looked at how they worked, after that he left the shower.

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