Your Purpose

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You stood outside the door of Uchiha Fugaku's home

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You stood outside the door of Uchiha Fugaku's home.

He was the leader of the Konoha Military Police Force, and you were told to be on your best behavior.

The door opened to show a beautiful woman who had long black hair as well as black eyes to match. You recognized her as Uchiha Mikoto, his wife.

You were trained to know all of the adults in the clan, so knowing her name was quite easy.

She shot the man next to you a smile while inviting the both of you in.

You came with a man who had been training you for the past year. He was in no way related to you, but he had been watching over you for a while.

Stepping into the home, it was nice and small but still spacious.

Sitting at the table on your knees, the lady spoke gesturing to the hall, "He's just down this way."

He stood with you following suit until he looked at you and glared, "Sit, and don't touch anything."

Shrinking under his gaze, you sat back down and put your hands in your lap.

After he was in a different room with Mikoto leading the way, you heard a new voice talking to you, "Who are you?"

Looking down the hall once again, you saw a boy who looked to be the same age as you.

Scanning the room, you saw no one else was here, "Who are you?" you asked right back.

Frowning, he walked closer, "I asked first."

Wondering why he seemed upset, you answered, "Uchiha Y/n."

The boy hummed, "Uchiha Itachi."

Nodding your head, he asked another question, "How old are you?"

He tilted his head, "I'm 6."

This made you smile, "Me too."

Looking around his house, he motioned for you to come with him, "Let's go play."

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