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Itachi and Shisui walked together down the street of the Uchiha compound

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Itachi and Shisui walked together down the street of the Uchiha compound.

Although this is where they have lived their entire lives, this particular path was unfamiliar.

The last time that Itachi had seen you was for a brief moment at the end of graduation.

Usually you would be in class, or even over to his house, but neither he nor Shisui had seen you in three weeks.

They both thought that maybe you were upset that you missed the test, but after a week they started to get nervous.

Itachi even asked the teacher at the academy, but all he said was you were called in sick.

Though it was a valid reason, that was two weeks ago, so the boys decided to take matters into their own hands.

Seeing more and more unfamiliar buildings and new faces, they looked at each other warily.

Maybe you were sick and would be at school tomorrow. Or maybe you were still upset about graduation, and wanted to be left alone.

Just as Itachi was going to voice his worries, Shisui spoke first, "We're here."

Being known as a genius in the Uchiha clan, Shisui knew more about it than people three times his age. It wasn't talked about often, but he knew some things about Fujimoto, and none were particularly good.

But because of all the information he has acquired, the two stood outside of Fujimoto's house ready to figure out what happened to you.

Ringing the doorbell, the boys heard footsteps coming closer.

A little afraid, they waited in silence.

Itachi had seen the intimidating man up close, and Shisui had heard many stories about the heartless man.

Though they were surprised to see a young adult woman who opened the door.

She wore a relaxed expression, but it almost looked as if she was glaring. She looked to Shisui, but when her eyes met Itachi, he plastered a big fake smile on her face.

Noticing the switch in her demeanor, the two watched as she opened the door further, "You boys must be here to see Fujimoto."

She gestured for them to follow her, "Come in, come in."

As they walked down the dark halls, the woman's smile got noticeably bigger. Before it was very obviously fake, but as it grew, it seemed like the smile was genuine.

Stopping in front of two large doors, she paused, "He's dealing with some important business at the moment, but I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

She turned on her heal and started to walk away, leaving the two boys in front of the doors.

They looked to each other with confused faces before knocking.

There was silence for a while until the large doors started to creek open.

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