Prologue: The fall

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Qhoris could be seen along with his subordinates in the war room, a table
with a large map on top of it, sat in the center of the room, shelves containing
books and relics of the past world were visible in every corner of the room.

Marcus, Qhoris's top general and advisor stands at Qhoris's left side while Robert, captain of Qhoris's personnal guards stands on his right.

At their front, stood Michael, Lisa, and Jordan, the last remaining high ranking commanders in Qhoris's army.

Currently, they were overlooking the map that was spread out on the center

the atmosphere in the room is gloomy,
given the fact that they were losing the
very war they started, and now they were pushed back in their last fortress,
which is currently the place they were all residing now.

"As long as we maintain our defenses for now, the south side tribes defending
our fort will remain strong." Michael
stated to everyone as he dragged his finger across the map and pointed at the tribe's defense line sorrounding their fortress.

"You tellin' us to rely on these machete
guys? I'd rather send the red legion on
the front!" Jordan yelled as he gave Michael a glare.

Michael tried to argue back at Jordan but no words came out from his mouth.

true, the south side tribes has been loyal to Qhoris for years now, but after
the fall of many of their bullet farms and gun factories, they are forced in resorting to melee, thus giving the enemy a huge advantage in the war.

"The Red legion are just mercenaries."
Qhoris suddenly spoke, surprising the
two bickering commanders.

He then glared sharply at Jordan, which sent shivers down on Jordan's

"Are you really that confident about the
Red legion, Jordan?" Qhoris asked, still
maintaining the glare.

"W-Well supreme leader, I believed
that they are armed enough to stand
up against our e-enemies." Jordan replied before gulping some of his

Qhoris just stared at him and after a few seconds, he moved his lips to speak.

"I understand Jordan." Qhoris said,
relieving Jordan from his nervousness,
just as he was about to express his other opinions about the Red legion's

"But" Qhoris suddenly spoke.

"Do you think they are armed enough
with courage and loyalty that they are
willing to die for us?" Qhoris asked, surprising Jordan again.

"I b-believe they are u-useful in many
othe-" just as Jordan was about to finish his sentence, Qhoris interrupted him.

"They are useless in situations like these!!" Qhoris yelled, intimidating and scaring everyone in the room.

he then continued.

"I never, never once in my life used mercenaries to take lands, but I almost
conquered Midland, using fear, loyalty
and power!!" Qhoris stated, everyone was just silently listening to him.

"What do you suggest then?" Jordan asked, after gathering some of his courage to speak up.

Qhoris then stared at him again, took
a deep breath and sat down on a nearby chair.

"We wait." Qhoris spoke up silently

Everything went silent in the room after hearing Qhoris's response, a few seconds lasted in silence until...

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