Chapter 14: Big trouble

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"Come on" Jessica muttered as she rubbed both of her palms against the rope bonds that kept it together.

It has been an hour since she heard the gunshots and chaos outside.

Quickly taking the oppurtunity earlier which led to her current situation now.

After a few minutes of struggling, she finally heard a snap behind her and felt the ropes tying both of her hands came loose.

"Finally" she muttered before proceeding in untying the ropes tying both of her feet.

Whilst removing the ropes, she heard faint shouting outside and a lot of footsteps running in the distance.

'It's getting worse outside, a possible mutiny or a coup?' She thought to herself as the rope tying her feet finally came off.

She then stood up and slowly made her way towards the tent's flap.

Peeking outside, she finally saw what she's been hoping to see for a while.

Chaos and distraction.

She smirked to herself as the thoughts came of the otherworldy army who attacked her people is now destroying itself.

Soldiers running and seemingly in a panic, not even bothering to look at the small head peaking out from a tent.

"Idiots" she muttered as she slowly walked outside.

Not even seeing any soldiers guarding outside, she made her way quickly and slowly towards a nearby crate.

Gunshots suddenly erupted in the distance, followed by screaming and shouting, not that she mind it at all.

Prying the crate open using a metal rod she found lying next to it, she saw various weapons inside.

Her smile widened as she saw familiar weapons inside, her previous daggers and a rifle with a magazine already inserted below.

Picking both of the daggers up and slinging the rifle on her back, she moved away from the crate and towards a nearby tent.

Seeing a silhouette im the tent, she quickly went inside and immediately stabbed the person inside.

Now that she had a better look of the person she tried to kill, she saw that he was just a soldier just like the rest of them.

But what makes him different is him being a kid, no more than fourteen.

She suddenly felt a pang of guilt as she realized the reason of the child was inside the tent and not outside helping contain the situation.

He was afraid, Jessica also noticed the frightened expression of the boy and the dry tears on his eyes.

"Im sorry." Jessica muttered as she removed the blade on the boy's stomach, killing him.

She then proceeded to loot everything in the boy's tent, taking everything that looks useful.

After a few minutes of looting, she now had a bag full with rifles and ammos,

But she growled after seeing a few of the rifles barrels poking out from the bag due to its lengthy size.

"Gonna have to cover it up." She muttered under her breath as she proceeds to wrap the barrels with tattered rugs and clothes.


"Fucker!" Arlan yelled as he plunged a machete unto an unlucky's soldier exposed head, killing him instantly.

"Surrender now or we'll be forced to shoot you!!" a voice sounded out in the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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