Chapter 6: The start of a hunt.

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'These tracks, I've never seen this kind before.' A woman thought as she observes the snake-like tracks on the ground.

She then traces the tracks to where it originally came from and behold, stood a strange gateway structure atop on a small cliff.

'I wonder what's on the other side.' The woman thought as she carefully eyed the structure.

After a few minutes of staring at the empty dark void of the structure, she eventually shrugged it off and sighed.

'It appears monsters do exist on the other side and had somehow crossed that gate to get here.' The woman thought to herself again.

'They also possessed these so-called thunder rods which shoots lightning projectiles at a fast pace, based on the survivor's report.' She continued to think as she observed the hole riddled corpses in the ground.

She then eyed the holes in the corpses bodies carefuly, limbs and body parts were scattered everywhere.

'But it made sense, I haven't seen any weapons that can do damage like it did to these poor fellas.' She thought to herself again.

But her thoughts were interrupted by someone calling her name behind her.

"Jessica!!" The voice called out to her.

The woman now known as Jessica turned around only to find a young man running towards her.

"Oh, Sigurd!!" Jessica called out to the man now known as Sigurd.

Eventually, Sigurd had managed to reach Jessica with only a meter from each other.

"I found this!!" Sigurd said as he reach his pocket pulling out a bunch of items wrapped around in cloth.

"Here" Sigurd continued as he handed the cloth wrapped items to Jessica.

"What's inside?" Jessica asked.

"Open it for yourself." Sigurd plainly replied.

Jessica began unwrapping the cloth and once she was done, she was shocked and surprised at the contents.

In her palm, sat bullet casings, it's not like they ever knew what a bullet casing is.

But yes, metal cylinders made out of lead, she doesn't know what purpose does it have or how is it used.

She tried to sniff it but it only made her nose ache, she'd never felt this kind of smell before, it smelled like the chard part of a burnt steak.

"Where did you find this?" Jessica asked curiously.

"Uh, found it on the ground, there's hundred more of it actually." Sigurd responded plainly.

"Show me." Jessica ordered, stuffing the metal cylinders in her pockets.



Fifty armored vehicles all lined up, along with a total of five-hundred soldiers in front of the gate-structure.

Captain Lucas sat inside the armored car in front of the column, besides him is his most loyal and most trusted ally, Felix.

"So, we just going to wait for the 'go-go' order, then we cross this thing and chase your cousin?" Felix asked.

Lucas turned his head towards Felix and said.

"Yes, can't wait to go in there and kill that fucking asshole." Lucas responded with a frown on his face.

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