Chapter 1: A gateway

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It's been a few minutes since the large quake happened, huts were destroyed, trees were uprooted, and cracks were visible on the ground.

Luckily, no one were killed nor severely
wounded, although some suffered few cuts but it's not something to be so wor-
ried about.

Although it will take weeks or probably months to repair everything, there are more pressing matters to attend to.

Stood right in front of chief Balu Kal of
the Ironwood tribe is a giant gate-like
temple structure that appeared out of

He was not alone though, five-hundred
warriors were gathered to accompany him in investigating this strange gate.

Pherhaps it was a gift from the gods?

No, it was impossible, why would the gods destroy their lands just to give them this?

Or maybe it was a curse? maybe it was
something?.... something more big.

As questions began to engulf his brain,
his wife, Balu Meda, the tribe's holy priestess walked up besides him.

"Quite a magnificient structure there."
Balu Meda spoke up, breaking the train
of thoughts of her husband.

Balu Kal then turned his head towards his wife and spoke.

"Yes, do you have any idea what it is?"
Balu Kal asked his wife, curiousity and hope evident on his voice.

Balu Meda turned her head towards her husband and nodded her head.

"The gods and I have spoken, though they may not revealed yet any answers
about this mystery." She stated as she
stared towards the infinite black abyss
inside the gate.

"But" She continued, "They did gave me
a few clues and ideas about that gate."
She added before staring right back at her husband.

The husband rose an eyebrow at this.

"Hints? and you said gate? a gate to
where? where does it leads to? can you tell me about it?" Balu Kal asked his wife, curiousity and excitement were
present on his voice.

"Let's talk about it inside the hut dear."
Balu Meda replied to her husband.

"Alright..." Was the response of Balu Kal
before he turned his head towards his

"My wife and I have some important matters to attend to, please take care of
the gate while we're gone." Balu Kal ordered to one of his guards.



"Well, this is quite unexpected." Qhoris
said after seeing what happened, he is
currently overlooking the situation after the earthquake.

It doesn't make sense, the Purple brigade's betrayal, the small battle, the
earthquake, and the mysterious gate
structure outside.

And the thing that has been bothering
Qhoris for a while is the gate structure,
why did it even appeared in the first place?

Not only that, he has problems regarding the remaining surviving soldiers of the Purple brigade.

Half of their numbers were wiped out due to one of the giant old buildings collapsing into them, poor bastards.

The rest of them surrendered to Qhoris
after the earthquake and Derrick's death, but such actions must not go unpunished.

Qhoris had hundreds of 'volunteers' from the Purple brigade executed, to make an example out of them.

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