Chapter 9: Reinforcements

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"Henry, just fucking hold on." Michael said as he led a number of his unit towards the forest battlefield.

It's been a few minutes since the gunshots and screaming had gone quiet.

It's either Henry was victorious or he was..

'No' Michael thought to himself as he shook his head to get rid of negative thoughts.

"Don't worry commander, Henry and his platoons are hardened soldiers, I'm sure they would be fine." a soldier said behind Michael.

Michael turned his head around and smiled.

"Yeah" Michael muttered, he then turned his head back and frowned.

'But the fact that they requested for
reinforcements even against a primitive army, the situation must be serious.'
Michael thought to himself again as they neared Henry's location.

Screaming and cheering can now be faintly heard in the distance.

"Come on, double time!!" Michael yelled to his soldiers, clutching a rifle on his chest tightly.

His soldiers complied as they all fastened their speed towards the forest.

It took about a few minutes until they reached the forest.

The cheering and screaming can now be loudly heard in the distance in front of them.

"Over there." Michael yelled to his soldiers as he points a finger towards a crowd of soldiers and warriors.

"Oh shit, a duel must be in place." a soldier besides Michael said.

Michael ignored him as they began to run towards the crown.

A few rifle clickings can be heard behind Michael as they readied their rifles for any trouble.

A well-dressed soldier with an eye patch suddenly came running besides Michael.

"Sir, orders?" the eye-patched soldier asked Michael seriously.

Michael then turned his head towards him and spoke.

"I want the crowd there sorrounded and the whole forest secured, also call in a cleaner team to deal with the dead bodies later."

Michael said as he observed the corpse-riddled battlefield, the smell starting to annoy him.

"Yes, sir" the soldier said as he began relaying orders to the men.

The soldiers then quickly went into action, a unit made it's way quietly towards the crowd while another one went to secure the forest.

Michael went with the first unit as they slowly sorrounded the crowd, they then quickly took positions behind bushes and trees, their rifles all aimed towards the crowd.

The crowd didn't seem to notice them as the cheering continued, that was until a man accidentally turned his head back towards the hidden group sorrounding them.

"Fuck." Michael muttered through gritted teeth as he aimed his rifle towards the man.

Luckily upon closer look, Michael founded out that the man was one of theirs, his face plastered with surprise and seemed to understand the current situation.

Michael nodded his head towards the man, the man nods his in response.

The man then slowly and quietly made his way towards Michael's group.

Eventually the man managed to reach Michael's position without being noticed.

"Thank god commander, you're here!!" the man said as he saluted Michael.

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