Chapter 13: Riot

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A man is currently seen reading reports inside of a tent.

A desk infront of him, along with a few chairs and tables on the sides, and a small makeshift bed on the corner.

His appearance is that of a young man, with black hair, an unshaven thin beard on his chin.

And lastly, a pair of purple eyes.

"Ahh, finally." he muttered after closing a folder filled with reports.

Now he was done, he can finally get the time to rest.

Or he thought, when the tent flaps suddenly opened, revealing a bloodied soldier, his hands clutching on his also bloodied throat.

"C-Captain!!" the soldier said, his voice slowly choking on his own blood.

The captain stared at the soldier with widened eyes, before speaking.

"What the fuck happened? who did this?!" he desperately asked, holding both the soldier's shoulder.

"I-It's the -uggh- the- gu-gua-" the soldier stuttered before falling limp on the captain's hands, not being able to finish his sentence.

"Hey!" the captain yelled, desperately shaking the already-dead soldier.

He was about to give the corpse another shake when the tent's flap suddenly opened, revealing five men armed with machetes.

'Bloodied machetes.' The captain thought to himself as he observed the weapons the unknown soldiers wielded.

He then stared right at the strangers, curious about their identity, from their cloaked covered bodies, to their upper...

To his surprise, the men in front of the captain had familiar faces.

'These men belonged from the guard corps!' The captain thought to himself as he narrowed his eyes towards the strangers.

"An officer!" One of them said.

"This is nice catch." Another one said while pointing his machete towards the captain.

The captain's heart beated hard at this, but eventually he managed to regain his composure and finally took a deep breath.

"You fools do know the consequences of your actions?!" The captain angrily asked, sweat dripping on his forehead.

One of the soldiers tilted his head in the side, seemingle thinking about something.

After a few seconds, he stared right back at the captain again, a smirk plastered on his face.

"That's right captain, we and the boys are all aware of the consequences, that's why we did this to create a certain result." the man happily said.

"What are you talking about?" The captain stuttered as the men began closing in towards him.


Matthew is currently inside his tent, reading reports and such, infront of him was his officers and subordinates.

"Another two murders yesterday at night, one of them was a captain of one of our detachments." Matthew stated after reading one of the reports.

"This has been going on for a while now, Qhoris still hasn't done anything about it so far." Matthew continued.

His officers nodded at this.

That was when the tent's flap suddenly opened, revealing one of their soldiers that seems to be in a hurry, judging by his sweat-soaked uniform.

"What seems to be the problem, boy?" one of the officers asked.

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