Chapter 11: Interrogation

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The first thing that came to Lucas mind after crossing the gate was peace, he'd never felt this kind of sensatiom before.

Everyone at the 1st CEBEG unit also shared Lucas feeling and satisfaction.

The fact that a paradise with green landscapes, fresh air and healthy trees do exist was pretty breathtaking for them all.

They didn't mind the cracks caused by the earthquakes since it was natural itself.

But their small sightseeing was only short lived as they were immediately met with corpse-riddled plains, holes and craters.

Plus a burnt out village below the small cliff the structure stood at, with about a few hundred corpses littered around the area.

That was a few days ago, but Lucas still couldn't forget and shake off the feeling that wherever Qhoris went, death and destruction always followed after.

It was like Qhoris himself was a living plague that aims to destroy everything on it's path.

The burnt village and the corpses near the structure were a good example of it.

Back to the present now, the corpses had already been cleared, and a large foothold for the Coalition is currently being built.

Defense perimeters that stretched for a few kilometers were built around the structure, including the nearby village as well.

Speaking of the nearby village, they've already transformed it into their main headquarters, but renovations are still being made right now.

Towers, barracks and armories were built, also a communication control tower is currently being set up right now.

Bulldozers were seen digging trenches and fortifications around the area, while the sound of tools hitting the ground below can be heard everywhere

"All is going according to plan." Lucas muttered under his breath, a smile slowly creeping up on his face.

He was currently overseeing the construction of defensive positions on top of a tower they just built recently.

"Sir!!" Lucas suddenly heard a yell coming from below him, he then looked down towards the ground from above.

And there he saw Felix's older brother, Statham, waving his hand and calling out to him.

"Observers from the department have just arrived now!!" yelled Statham.

"Alright, tell them to wait, I'm coming down now." Lucas replied, which causes Statham to nod in response.

Lucas watched Statham run towards a small building, possibly where the observers at right now.

After climbing down the tower, Lucas began to walk towards the building, it took a few minutes before arriving.

He opened the main front door, and was met by a narrow hallway with doors on each sides.

There was a guard standing on the farthest door on the left, he seems to not notice Lucas walking towards him.

"Hey!" Lucas called out to the guard, gaining his attention.

"C-Captain?" The guard responded in a stuttering manner, he then proceeds to clear his throat and continue.

"Felix, Statham, as well the observers are waiting for you inside the room." The guard sternly stated.

Lucas nodded and opens the door leading inside the room.

There, he saw Felix, Statham, a few observers from the department and two additional guards inside.

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