Chapter 2: First contact

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'Is this fresh air?' Qhoris thought after feeling a strange sensation when they arrived on the other side.

All the time while living in the wasteland, Qhoris have been inhaling unclean air for thirty years.

He had gotten used to it, but not to this,
the smell and sensation of fresh air was nice and relaxing.

Other than that, everything they also saw on the other side was green, it was like in the stories their parents told them a long time ago.

It was like a dream come through, Qhoris have never felt such happiness before in his life.

Trees, plants, grass, birds of different colors, and even animals they had never seen before, it was a whole new world out here!!

Qhoris could sense and hear some of his soldiers sobbing and dropping to their knees, saying something about how beautiful this paradise is.

Qhoris then observed the sorroundings,
there were cracks everywhere in the ground, some trees were uprooted.

'Guess they were also affected.' Qhoris thought as he bent down and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground.

"Interesting" he said after sniffing it.

But before the moments could last longer, they heard yells and screams a few hundred meters away from them.

Everyone was on alert immediately after hearing the sounds, they then followed the source of the sound.

But before they could spot the village,
they heard hundreds of stomping footsteps coming towards them.

Qhoris then looked at Marcus and asked.

"How many of us have gotten to the other side as of right now?" asked Qhoris at his second at command.

"About four hundred, the rest are yet to arrive here." Marcus replied back.

It actually took them three hours of walking inside the black abyss of the gate just to get on the other side.

The people coming towards them are visible now, they were numbering about a few hundred.

Not only that, they were exhausted and panting, some has bandage around their heads, some clearly injured and limping.

Qhoris then immediately issued an order to form a defense line, his troops
gladly obeyed his order and went into action.

"Halt! You are in the presence of the great Qhoris, state your intentions or we will open fire." Robert ordered to the incoming men.

However none of them stopped and still kept on going, the soldiers cocked
their rifles and tensed up in return.

"Are you perhaps the people beyond that gate? if so, we need your help because our village is under-"

Before the warrior could finish his statement, a shot rang out, followed by his body falling to the ground suddenly.

His fellow warriors looked at his lifeless body as a pool of blood started to engulf his clothes and body.

They then stared back at the unknown mysterious people from the other side
and immediately pointed their spears at them.

"That's what you get for disobeying commands, insects!" Qhoris stated while holding an M24 rifle with a smoking barrel.

He then looks through the scope again and saw the comrades of the warriors charging towards them.

"Light them up." Qhoris ordered as he swings his hand upward, the men nods
in affirmative and began to open fire.

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