Chapter 25-I Will Love You Forever

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*Yume's POV*

"Sage Art: Inorganic Animation!" Kabuto said then the stalactites in the cave started moving. Itachi protected me and Sasuke with his hand and got stabbed by the stalactites


"This jutsu brings the lifeless to life and allows me to control them. Protecting Sasuke-kun and Yume-san with your Susano'o slowed you down. Don't worry, I'd never harm them. They're my precious test subjects. Now then..." Kabuto said then his snake puked a kunai "Time to rewrite your mind with this. You know what will happen, right?"

Kabuto charged at Itachi then both me and Sasuke activated our mangekyou, making a barrier around us to protect Itachi

"So the ultimate offensive visual jutsu is also the ultimate defense. It's so hot that the limestone turned back into being just a cave" Kabuto said then I turned to Itachi

"Are you alright?" I asked

"Yeah...sorry, Sasuke, Yume" Itachi said

"Sorry but this is my win. In this world, I'm closest thing to the Sage of Six Paths. Compared to me, the Uchiha are-" Kabuto started

"Shut the hell up! What would you know about the Uchiha?!" Sasuke yelled

"Kabuto, when I look at you, it's like looking at my former self. And that is why you will lose. I hate you. but understand you. We were both spies who lived false lives in this world. I didn't know who I really was at one point either. I finally understand that to know oneself is not to achieve everything and become perfect. It's knowing what you can and what you cannot do" Itachi said

"Sounds like the words of a loser. Acknowledging what you cannot do, isn't that the same as giving up?" Kabuto asked

"No. It is to be able to forgive oneself for the things one cannot do by themselves. You cannot do everything yourself. If you want to know who you are, you must re-examine and acknowledge your true self. I failed to do that. I lied to everyone and myself. Those who cannot acknowledge their true selves will fail. Just like I did" Itachi said

"And what would the three of you know about me? From the beginning...I had...nothing..." Kabuto said "That's why I kept adding  onto myself. That's why I don't need your lectures. Not only are you a Konoha shinobi, you're also of the famed Uchiha clan. You possess the Sharingan that has awakened the Mangekyou"

"You exaggerate...The reality is, I failed"

"Even though I mocked the Uchiha name in front of you, I'm still envious of it" Kabuto said

"The Uchiha name is just a name that identifies one's clan. There will be no meaning for it if you claim it" Itachi said

" still holds meaning!" Kabuto said then started making seals

"Are you sure we can't kill him? We're stuck playing catch-up!" Sasuke said

"I told you no! He controls the battlefield right now. Be patient" Itachi said

"Is Izanami not ready yet?! He's about to come after us" I stated

"I'm already on him, it's just going to take a little more time" Itachi said

The ground started breaking around Amaterasu then it flipped over, which made the Amaterasu barrier no more and revealed Kabuto to us. He had some guy coming out of him who spat out some sort of thing and made spider webs around us

"These threads cannot be cut with a sword!" Sasuke warned us

"Amaterasu!" We all said and burned down the webs

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