Chapter 35- A Perfect Day For A Celebration

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*Yume's POV*

"I'm totally clueless here" I mumbled depressingly because I didn't know what to tell Naruto and Hinata in my congratulatory message

"Yume-nee-san, just say what you feel" Konohamaru sweat dropped

"That's the problem, I don't feel anything" I sighed 

"Just say anything" Konohamaru said with sparkles surrounding him

"I think Aika is rubbing off on you, Konohamaru" I sweatdropped

"Ok let's try again. And Yume-nee-san, say what comes to mind" Konohamaru said

"Congratulations!" Ino smiled, waving at the camera

"Do your best!" Shikamaru said, giving a thumbs up

"Don't gorge yourself on delicious home-cooked meals!" Chouji said with the peace sign


"Cut!" Konohamaru said then glared at me

"Sorry, I don't know how I feel about this whole wedding thing overall" I shrugged my shoulders then Konohamaru face palmed

"Yume, just say that you wish them to be happy or something" Ino sighed then I stroked my imaginary beard

"Okay... I'll try to not mess it up again "

"Congratulations!" Ino smiled, waving at the camera

"Do your best!" Shikamaru said, giving a thumbs up

"Don't gorge yourself on delicious home-cooked meals!" Chouji said with the peace sign

"May you always be happy!" I smiled at the camera

"CUTT!!" Konohamaru said then gave me a thumbs up "You finally did it!"

I started walking away immediately as thoughts of what to get them crowded my head the instant I was done helping Konohamaru. I was mumbling to myself and trying my best to think of something, "A painting would be nice..but if it's something they don't like then...fgghrrrgh-"

"She was like this ever since the war ended..."
"Is Yume-nee-san okay...?"
" I'm worried about her..."
"Where is Sasuke when we need him..."

-Time skip-

I was sitting on the pond's deck that's in the Uchiha compound, clueless and frustrated, because I had no idea what to get for Naruto. My brain was simply deflated like a balloon and had no ideas at all.

"What do I do...?" I whimpered to myself then got an idea and stood up

"Okay okay okay so, put yourself in Itachi's shoes" I said then slapped myself 

"If Itachi's friends were getting married...what would he do?"

"He would....uhhh....get them something they both like I guess"

"But those two are polar opposites...."

"Maybe something like a house decoration?" 


"but if it's something out of their liking zone it would just take up space...."

"You've been talking to yourself for about 15 minutes now. You seem frustrated" Neji's voice said from behind

"I'd lie if I said I wasn't" I whimpered "Did you get Naruto and Hinata anything, Neji?" 

"Yeah, I thought about what they have in common and worked my way through there" Neji said sitting down beside me

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