Chapter 03

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Third person pov.......

Her eyes widened and she could almost stand up in her seat.

The woman in a red hoodie, entered the cafe and took an order.

Ryujin stared at the woman in the red hoodie. She can't see her face because her red hair is blocked .

"Why is her hair blocked?" Ryujin complained but in a whispered way.

When the woman got her order. it also sat in the vacant seat, facing the transparent glass of the cafe.

Ryujin noticed that the Woman was not removing her hoodie and she also noticed that she was bent over.

"This is your order" she snapped as Lia spoke with her order.

"T-Thank you" she still kept looking at the woman.

"Why don't you seem to be on your own world right now?" Lia asked her because she noticed that she was dazing off.

Ryujin didn't hesitate and asked.

"That woman in a red hoodie, has she been coming here for a long time?" She asked.

"No, we'll only see her now"

Ryujin just said 'O' when she heard the old woman answer

"Why?, are you interested in her?" Lia teasing.

The blonde hair looked at her and stared at her wickedly.

"No. I just saw her here. Then she was wrapped in a hoodie so I look curious about her face" Ryujin hesitated.

"Hmmm...... that's what I heard. She's said to be the new transfer coming into your class, do you know that?" Ryujin's eyes widened and blinked a few more times.

"A-Are you sure about what you're saying unnie?" She asked.

"That's what Yeji told me and then I also heard from the school counselors. They even said she was beautiful" and the Canadian Korean looked at the Woman .

"Why is she covering her face when she's beautiful?" Ryujin wondered.

"I don't know, maybe she's just getting cold" Lia replied.

Ryujin didn't know to himself why she wanted to see the look of the Woman inside her hoodies.

Ryujin rested deeply and sipped her coffee. While Lia just giggled at her friend's actions.

"I'm going back to the counter Ryujin, just rest there huh" letting it be which Ryujin replied.

Ryujin's eyes were already glued to the Woman, she almost didn't take her eyes off her. Until later, the woman stood up to pay for what she bought and left the shop.

'That woman.... she's making my head hurt" she whispered and looked down.

She didn't stay long in the cafe and went home.

When she arrived, she immediately lay down on the couch and just laid her bag on the floor.

She leaned over and thought again of the woman in the red hoodie. "Why am I so interested in you?, I just went crazy thinking about someone" she mumbled to herself.

"Unnie!!, I'm home!!" Yuna shouted at the door of their house.

Ryujin just looked at her and went back to staring at the ceiling.

Ryujin already felt drowsy, so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

While Yuna left home to go to her friend's house to do a project.

"Yuna?, where are you?" Ryujin asked while calling her sister inside their house.

No one answered so she thought of calling it, but it did not answer.

"Yuna.... where are you again?" She said and left a message to her sister.

While waiting for its reply, she thought of going to the kitchen and cooking.

She opened the refrigerator and roam her eyes to see what to cook.

"I miss ramen" she said and took the ramen noodles to the very bottom of the refrigerator.

She immediately took a container and boiled it on the stove.

While waiting, she looked out the window from their kitchen.

And she remembered the woman in the cafe in the red hoodie again.

"Why do I always remember that woman?" She asked himself.

Until she heard that the lid of her ramen was rising.

She immediately turned off the stove and put her food in the bowl.

She ate quietly and alone.

This is how her life has always been, alone, quiet and meaningless. She already has a sister but she is always busy bonding with her friend instead of her sister.

Since their parents disappeared, the siblings haven't talked much. because they already have a Task.

And that's why Ryujin prefers to be alone or with her other friends.

But that's her problem with her family, but what about love?, No.

She wants to have a girlfriend who will take care of her and love her.

The sweet and cute is the habit, she doesn't look at her appearance, as long as the important thing is that she will be loved for life .

My Girl || RyuRyeong||Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora