Chapter 29

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Third person pov.....

Many days and weeks passed and the two girls had a good time.

They feel the same way about each other. Chaeryeong already like Ryujin and Ryujin in turn her madly in love with Chaeryeong.

Ryujin still doesn't know when she will be able to admit how she feels. She can only think of one thing. On the day of their live soccer game.

She wants the whole school and the whole world to know who is the woman she loves, who is the woman she wants to be with for life.

“What now Ryujin? when will you admit how you feel to Chaeryeong? "Yeji asked her.

"Unnie, I'm still thinking, do you think it's easy to admit to someone you don't know if you feel the same way?"

Yeji also thought about what Ryujin said, she didn't think of that because she and Lia became lovers when they had a hot make out session.

"It's not like your love affair with Lia unnie who just went to bed"

"Ryu!!!" Yeji shouted and slapped Ryujin's arm.

"Can you, don't bring back the past" Yeji said and Stared at the blonde.

Ryujin just shook her head and went back to thinking.

They are in the cafe now while Chaeryeong and Lia are in the library. The two love to read.

"Wow... this book is so thrilling" Lia said while giggling softly.

Chaeryeong was surprised by her unnie's reaction so she peeked at the book she was reading.

"What's that story unnie?" She asked.

"It's about two people who like each other, the man is ready to admit how he feels while the woman is still scared because she thinks maybe the man she wants won't accept her, until one day in front of so many people. The man admit to the Woman, he expressed to the woman how much he loved her. Until the woman admits that she also loves the man. Some people appealed but others supported. but no matter what happened, they still loved each other. and that's where the story ends" explained Lia .

Chaeryeong fell silent and thought she was the Woman in the story. The type of person who is afraid to love because she doesn't know if the person she loves also loves her.

If Ryujin loves her too.....

Yes, she loves Ryujin, every day they are always together, she feels a strange joy. She feel safe, warm, comfortable and Happy. that she just felt now, she thought that Ryujin would have felt the same every time she was with her.

"Chaeryeong..... are you okay? why did you suddenly fall silent? ”Lia snapped to her.


"What's that?"

"I like someone...."

She didn't know what to say, what was important was for others to know that someone was making her heart happy, wrapped in sadness because of the past.

"Really?! Who is that?" Lia held the red hair's hand and waited for its answer.

"I like..... I like Ryujin...."

After she said that, her tears slowly dripped.

"Why are you crying?" Lia asked her.

"Because.... because I'm scared. I'm afraid that when I admit, she'll avoid me, she'll say she doesn't like me. I'm afraid of being hurt, it hurts especially and I love her so much" she said in the middle of her trouble crying.

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