Chapter 16

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Third person pov.....

Hejin just laughed at Chaeryeong's answers to him. He did not expect that the girl would not accept his offer because most of the women he offered agreed immediately. He found that the redhead was not easy to get.

"All right, I'm leaving" Hejin said goodbye and left the redhead.

He thought he was embarrassed and he didn't want to.

"I'm not done with you Chaeryeong" Hejin whispered and left the cafeteria.

On the other side,

"The man Chaeryeong approached you twice, and you rejected them twice" said Yeji unnie to break the silence in their place.

The maiden looked at her unnie and took a deep breath. "I don't need them. Besides, I'm more comfortable if I'm just at home. sleeping, listening to music, reading a book or watching TV" Chaeryeong explained .

"I'm more comfortable there unnie. I don't want to mix with other people except you my friends" she added.

"Aren't you tired of our faces Chaery?" Yeonjun's joke caused the others to giggle.

"Not yeonjun oppa, I'm happier when you're there" Chaeryeong replied.

Their hearts softened at what the redhead said. They know it comes from the dark past so it rises with her loved ones. Just missing is a girlfriend.

Next to Chaeryeong. You can see Ryujin staring at her. For Ryujin’s eyes, Chaeryeong is the most beautiful woman in the world.

She admires its breath-taking side profile. Her smiles that soften the heart and her voice is good to hear .

"Someone is spacing out!" Lia unnie shouted when she noticed Ryujin staring at Chaeryeong.

The others were surprised and looked at Ryujin who was still staring at Chaeryeong.

"R-Ryujin? Ryujin?" Chaeryeong snapped at Ryujin.

"RYUJIN?!" after all, Ryujin woke up to the truth when her Lia unnie pinched her.

"Ouch unnie!! why did you pinch me?" Ryujin complained and looked at Lia.

"I'm sorry Ryujin, you're staring at Chaeryeong too much" Lia said and whispered the last things she said.

That Ryujin realized that she did that so she felt nervous.

Sge looked at her friends and saw them smirking, and she finally looked at Chaeryeong.

"Are you OK?" Chaeryeong asked her who was obviously really worried about her.

"Why were you stunned earlier? Are you sick?" Chaeryeong asked her.

Ryujin heart softens at the redhead's concern for her.

"I-I'm OK, don't worry" Ryujin replied and smiled.

Chaeryeong just rest and went back to eating.

*Time skip becuz I'm lazy*

"Are you coming home after class?" Chaeryeong asked Ryujin.

Honestly, Ryujin must have asked this because she was more interested in the redhead.

But Ryujin replied, "Not yet. I have soccer practice on the field. Why do you want to go home? I can't go to practice to take you to your house "said Ryujin who gave the redhead a shudder.

Chaeryeong didn't expect anyone to treat her like this. Yes, her friends are kind to her but a girlfriend's care is different, so she need to find someone.

But Chaeryeong doesn't say that she wants to be Ryujin's girlfriend that she just met.

"Can I go to your practice?" Chaeryeong asked stopping Ryujin.

"Are you coming? Don't, you might just be bored because it's been a while" Ryujin appealed.

"It's okay, I also want to see a live game now. I haven't been to a live soccer game yet" said Chaeryeong and smiled.

"Are you sure?" Ryujin asked again.

"Yes I'm sure. I'm sure you're good at playing" Ryujin's face turned red which she immediately hid.

"C-Come on?" Ryujin asked and Chaeryeong answered immediately.

They walk into the field together. While the rest of their friends are already at work.

Yeji who is in basketball practice with her girlfriend Lia, Soobin and Yeonjun who have a part time job at the mall and Beomgyu and Taehyun who are in their own house .

When they arrived on the field, they went straight to the players room so that Ryujin could exchange jerseys.

Chaeryeong followed Ryujin until they reached Ryujin's locker.

"Wait here, I'll just change clothes" Ryujin said and entered the changing room.

It only took a few minutes for Ryujin to change and she was out of the changing room.

"Let's go Chaer" Chaeryeong looked at Ryujin. She noticed the beauty of it in what she was wearing.

'Why is she so handsome even though she's a woman?' Chaeryeong though, but she also immediately erased it from her mind.

"Chaer? Is something bothering you?" Ryujin approached the redhead because it's spacing out.

"N-nothing....." Chaeryeong replied and adjusted herself.

"Ok. Come on, just sit on the bleachers and watch. If you need anything just wave and I'll approach you right away"

"Maybe I'll just bother you when I do that?" Chaeryeong's appeal in a sad Voice.

"That's not a problem Chaer" Ryujin said and smiled to ease the redhead's feeling.

They left the players room and went to the field where Ryujin's group practiced.

"Woah!!! Ryujin!!!" shouts and praise can be heard from Chaeryeong.

How many times did she witness Ryujin's good play and she was really amazed by it.

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