chapter four

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     "irihita-sensei, you have a very nice team, not to mention the trust and communication they have." y/n complimented.

the coach smiled, grateful for the compliment, however he shook his head in denial. "i may be the one who brought them together, but the third years are the ones who made that happen."

y/n nodded, taking note of the third years' maturity and respect for the game and team. she had helped some first years fixed their posture and stance. as with the tactical portion, she gave a few tips on blocking and serving. coach irihata dismissed the boys, telling them to clean before heading home and to eat and rest well.

"l/n-chan~! what did you think of my serves and sets?" oikawa immediately asked once the team separated.

"they were really well, oikawa-san. though you'll need to focus more on accuracy rather than power with serves. it wouldn't be much helpful if you make all your arm breaking serves out of court." y/n says, impressed by the boy's ability to do various positions on the court.

"r-right, thank you!" oikawa smiled brightly, though didn't expect to hear her answer being so straight forward and blunt.

iwaizumi had an irk mark on his forehead, walking towards the brunette. "oi, lazykawa! start helping and clean!" he growled, grabbing a volleyball on the ground and throwing it at his back.

"iwa-chan! that hurts!" oikawa complained, sighing before he turned back to the shorter girl who was putting away her notes. "ne, l/n-chan, do you mind staying once me and iwa-chan are done?"

y/n rose a brow, focusing her attention to him, "i don't mind, but why, oikawa-san?"

oikawa just smiled, "to walk you home. it's getting dark, and i don't want someone to steal you away!"

"sure, i'll help clean and then i'll wait near the front."

the setter happily cheered, going to help clean and change out of his athletic wear. he walked into the boys' club room, joining in on conversations with different groups.

"l/n-senpai is super nice and observant. i feel like i've gotten better at my blocks already, even though it's supposed to be a laid back practice." kindaichi complimented, talking to kunimi and yahaba.

hanamaki also joined in, "and she also received one of my stray serves perfectly."

"isn't l/n-sama in your class, iwaizumi-kun?" matsukawa asked, the boys' attention on their ace.

he put on a black comfortable athletic jacket over his white shirt, not bothering to look back at the boys. "mhm, she's supposed to be in class 3-6, but she said she's bad at math and japanese lit."

"oh? you know so much about her iwa-chan~" oikawa teased.

iwaizumi rolled his eyes, throwing a spare towel at him. "i had to take her around school, since someone was surrounded by fans, so of course i had to make some conversation."

"why is it that when you answer someone, most of them come back to insulting me?" oikawa groaned, mumbling profanities but quickly stopping once he felt his bestfriend's glare.

kindaichi tapped on kunimi's shoulder, whispering to him and making sure the others don't hear. "i like l/n-senpai more than uragiri."

kunimi nodded, "that snake lost our respect when she called our team boring and called me a lazy good for nothing."

"i hope iwaizumi-senpai drops her." he mumbled, though he knew that it wouldn't be realistic.

"l/n-senpai is fun in volleyball and straightforward yet respectful." kunimi added, surprising the onion haired boy. kunimi wasn't one to say anyone is fun, or compliment anyone in general, but it proved his point that the two first years would choose l/n y/n over uragiri yumie.

 kunimi wasn't one to say anyone is fun, or compliment anyone in general, but it proved his point that the two first years would choose l/n y/n over uragiri yumie

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