Chapter three

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TW: Blood and swear words

A bit of a long distance from her house, Vera is finally catching her breath. Making sure that she isn't being followed, she hurries up once again and reaches her destination. If she's not going crazy and this is real, then she hopes that Y/N can somehow fix this. Y/N knows the Harry Potter characters, she would know what freaking diamond those men were talking about, right?

Sighing, she reaches the house. She remembers that Y/N talked about going to Laura's house to play some Nintendo Switch, so she should be there.

Knocking a few times, Vera waits for a while. No answer. Getting irritated, Vera knocks so hard she almost breaks the door. Footsteps approaching, finally. However, Vera doesn't realise that she hasn't stopped banging on the door and almost hits the person, who answers the door, in the face.

"Bro, relax! You don't have to hit me!" Laura exclaims, surprised.

A bit embarrassed, Vera mutters an apology and cuts straight to the point. "I need to talk to Y/N. It's important".

Laura looks at her strangely. "Hey, Laura. How's it going? I'm good, thanks for asking!" Laura says in a mocking tone. "And Y/N isn't here. She had to finish an important assignment, so we have rescheduled for next week" she adds.

Cursing under her breath, Vera starts to panic. "But it's important! I don't even know if what I saw was real! She's the only one who can-" she starts but Laura quickly interrupts her.

"Hey, hey! Slow down! If it's so important, why didn't you just call her?" she asks as she raises an eyebrow.

Vera sighs. What is up with people and calling?? "Ugh, let's just say I don't have my phone and I had no way of retrieving it. And besides, I expected her to be here" she explains, frustrated.

"Well, she isn't here. Anyway, come in, I guess. You are clearly stressed out about something" Laura offers. Nodding, Vera enters the house.

"Are you home alone?" she asks when realising they are the only people in the house.

"Yeah, mom's at work. So, what's going on?" Laura then asks, a bit awkwardly, as they enter her room. They have never really interacted while just the two of them alone.

"Well, I know this is going to sound crazy, but I swear, I just saw some freaking Harry Potter characters at my house! They kept threatening my parents and I, and they kept talking about a damn diamond that they apparently thought was in my house and- oh, no! My parents! My father hit the guy with the long hair in the face, he's probably pissed off!" Vera explains while panicking.

Laura starts to think. Harry Potter characters? Diamond? She can believe a lot of things, such as Mickey Mouse actually being a villain, but Harry Potter characters being real? "Wait, did you say a diamond?" she questions, curious.

Vera can't believe her own ears. Here she is, telling that Harry Potter characters are actually real, and Laura decides that the diamond is the most important information?! "Yeah, they kept talking about a diamond and its energy being in our house. Why?" she asks, a bit confused.

Laura thinks for a while. Could it be? "Well, Y/N and I both have a diamond. We bought them together, you know, like some people have matching bracelets?" she tells her.

Vera is a bit taken aback, but now that she thinks about it - yeah. Y/N does indeed have a diamond-looking thing near her window. "So, if we say that one of your diamonds is the one that they are looking for, then which one is it?" Vera wonders.

They barely get a few seconds to think before they hear a recognisable voice. "Ah, so you do know about the diamond".

Turning around faster than the speed of lightning, Vera and Laura are met by the same three men who were at Vera's house.

"Then I suggest you hand it over right now" the blonde man says as he smirks.

Laura almost instantly recognises the blonde man with the cane. "You are Lucius Malfoy, right?" she questions while looking at him. Everyone, except for Laura herself, looks shocked. How in the world does she know him?

"Wait, how do you know his name? I thought only Y/N liked Harry Potter between the three of us?" Vera asks, completely puzzled.

Laura shrugs at that. "Well, I don't particularly like Harry Potter, but I do know all the basics. Besides, he's one of Y/N's favourite characters" she reveals.

Wait a minute, did Vera hear it right? This guy, one of Y/N's favourite characters? He's clearly evil! But now that she thinks about it, Y/N is weird and likes villains. "Why does that not surprise me?" Vera says as she lets out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

The blonde man, Lucius Malfoy, looks at the two girls, amused. Characters? Are they in a dimension where they are fictional characters? Interesting. Lucius hums at that. Interesting indeed, this could prove useful. But not right now, they have a mission from the Dark Lord. "Well, well. So we are fictional characters, huh? Well, then you should know that we work for the Dark Lord. He wants the diamond" Lucius states.

Vera is about to say that she couldn't care less about what that noseless freak wants - yes, she knows who Voldemort is. Honestly, who doesn't?

She is however interrupted by the still unnamed masked man. "Fictional characters?! I am real, thank you very much!" he exclaims.

Lucius sighs. What an idiot. "Avery, we are fictional in THEIR dimension, not in ours. Now, concentrate and find the damn diamond!" he snaps at the now no longer unnamed man, Avery.

Laura then instantly looks at her window and tries to think of how they should approach this. Vera looks where Laura is looking and sees it - the pink diamond.

Quickly moving her gaze away so that the three men don't notice it, she tries to get them out of the room so she and Laura can get the diamond. "Fine, there is a diamond here. But not in this room, it's in the living room" she says, hoping they will believe it.

Lucius looks at her suspiciously. "Well, go and give it to me, then" he demands. Vera gulps, loudly. Well, that didn't work.

Sighing, Laura gets the job done by quickly taking the pink diamond, kicking Lucius Malfoy's butt so he falls to the ground and grabbing Vera's arm as they run out of the room. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" she yells at Vera who still can't believe what just happened. If she did, she would have laughed at Lucius Malfoy. He didn't even blink and then he was on the floor!

Dolohov and Avery are also puzzled. They look at Lucius, then look at the door that the girls just went out of and look at Lucius again. "Do not just stand there, you fools. Get them!" Lucius snaps at them aggressively as he then gets off the floor by supporting his weight on his cane, his usually well-kept hair now slightly messy.

The two masked men finally get the hint and run after them. As they are running, they take off their masks. No need for those anymore. The girls do know their names after all, thanks to Lucius.

Just as the girls are about to touch the doorknob on the front door, Dolohov blocks their path. "You made Lucius really mad. Oh, you are definitely going to regret doing that!" he says, giving an evil laugh.

The girls try for the kitchen, only for that path to be blocked by Avery. "Ah, ah. I do not think so!" he says as he smirks at them.

The girls quickly run into the living room and shut the door right in Dolohov's face. "You little bitch!" Dolohov says in an angry tone while holding his now bleeding nose.

"Fuck- I mean, flower! What do we do now? We can't get out, unless you want to jump out the window!" Laura exclaims while looking giving Vera a worried look. Out the window? Nope, not an option. Vera would like to keep her bones intact.

Both girls try to think of a solution. Seriously, what do they do now? Those men can probably easily break open the door and even kill them if they want to!

Just as the door opens and reveals an absolute pissed off Lucius Malfoy, there's some light behind them. "Do not worry, I have come to save you. Quick, take my hand!" a man suddenly says from the light while stretching out his hand.

The Keeper of the Diamond (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now