Chapter sixteen

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TW: Kidnapping and swear words

"Hello, darling. Is this the book you are looking for?".

Y/N widens her eyes as she turns around faster than you can say "Quidditch". No. Right in front of her is Lucius Malfoy, smirking at her with the book in his right hand and his cane in his left.

Y/N tries to think of what to do. She quickly tries to escape by the door but Lucius is quicker and catches her. "Tsk, tsk. Did you really think you could escape me? You have been quite good at resisting me but that ends now" he says as he gives her a seductive smile.

Ugh, why does his smile make her want to join the Dark Lord's side and become a Death Eater? That won't happen, of course.

Suddenly, Luna Lovegood enters the classroom. "Finally, I was beginning to worry. Go and tell those incompetent Gryffindors that Y/N here suddenly decided to run to the Shrieking Shack while I bring her to the Manor" Lucius states to the Ravenclaw.

Smirking, Luna nods as she leaves. That's weird. Why would she help him? And did she just smirk? That doesn't seem like Luna.

At the Gryffindor common room, the Trio, Ginny and the twins wait for Y/N. She is taking a long time retrieving her book. They all start to get worried. "I should have insisted on going with her! What is wrong with me?" Harry groans as he takes his head in his hands.

Ron gulps. "I'm sure she will be here soon". No one believes that, not even Ron himself.

Suddenly, the portrait to the common room opens. However, it isn't Y/N who enters. "Quick, I just saw Y/N run off to the Shrieking Shack!" Luna exclaims, panicked.

"Luna? Are you all right? And what do you mean Y/N ran off to the Shrieking Shack?" Ginny asks her friend in a concerned tone.

Luna huffs at that. "I am fine. And I mean exactly what I said. I just saw Y/N run in the direction to the Shrieking Shack" she states.

The Gryffindors look puzzled. What's wrong with Luna? Why is she acting so odd? "Luna? Are you sure you are all right?" Harry asks her.

"Yes, Pot- Harry, I just said I am fine. Now, hurry up. It is almost curfew" she says as she grits her teeth, annoyed as well as impatient. Luna suddenly turns around and leaves everybody in shock.

"Why would Y/N just run off without telling us? And why was Luna acting so weird? She wasn't her dream-like self" Fred says, concerned.

"I agree, Fred. She was acting very weird" George agrees with his twin.

"We will find out later. Quick, let's get Y/N! She could be in danger!" Harry exclaims. The six Gryffindors hurry up and leave the common room.

As they are about to leave for the Shack, Luna suddenly stops them. "I was very lucky that I just ran into you guys. The Nargles have unfortunately taken my sunglasses, I'm sure they didn't mean to. Have you guys seen them by any chance?" Luna asks as she gives her usual dream-like smile.

Okay, that's weird. Now Luna is acting like Luna again. "Um, Luna, are you all right? You seemed pretty weird before in the common room" Ron slowly asks.

Luna gives him a confused smile. "Have the Nargles played with your head? I was never in the Gryffindor common room, last time I saw you guys was at breakfast this morning" she tells them. All the Gryffindors almost stop breathing at that. Who was it in the common room, then?

"Somebody must have used Polyjuice and disguised as Luna to distract us!" Hermione exclaims, sounding scared.

Realisation suddenly hits Harry. "Wait a minute, Luna- I mean, the fake Luna, almost called me Potter" he says as he then widens his eyes. "Malfoy! I bet it was Malfoy! First he sabotages our potion, and now this! Oh, no! Y/N!" he exclaims, realising the Malfoys' plan.

Everybody starts to run towards the Transfiguration classroom. Luna looks puzzled at the running Gryffindors. "Come on, Luna! I'll tell you everything on the way!" Ginny yells as she grabs Luna's hand and takes her with them. However, when they reach the classroom, all they find is a book.

A few moments earlier, Lucius and Y/N are still in the classroom. He's still wearing that stupid, seductive smile which is now more like a smirk. "W-what did you do to Luna Lovegood? Why would she ever help you?" Y/N asks as she looks at him suspiciously.

Lucius laughs. "I am sure you would like to know. Let us just say that my son is once again going to please the Dark Lord" he says, satisfied. Y/N suddenly realises that it wasn't Luna but Draco.

She waits a moment. "I guess that's good since you can't seem to do your job. You are quite bad at it, to be honest" she dares to say. Lucius' expression turns into anger. How dare she?

Lucius suddenly grabs both of her arms tightly so she can't get away. "Wrong move. You are going to regret saying that! Now, let us go!" he says through gritted teeth. Lucius manages to drag a struggling Y/N out of Hogwarts without being detected by any students or teachers.

As they are finally outside of the grounds of Hogwarts, Lucius snaps. "Stop struggling!" he says in a warning tone.

As she doesn't stop, Lucius decides to make her stop. By kissing her. He suddenly grabs her head with his hands and leans down as he kisses her. Y/N stops breathing for a moment. What the fuck? What the actual fuck?

Suddenly, they are no longer near Hogwarts but right outside Malfoy Manor. Bastard! He tricked her!

"Do not look so surprised, darling. If I had not kissed you, then we would probably have ended up in Diagon Alley" he says as he smirks.

Y/N can't believe it - Lucius Malfoy just stole her first kiss. She won't admit it out loud but she enjoyed it.

Lucius chuckles. "What is the matter? Was that your first kiss? Well, I am honoured" he says in a mocking tone as he gives her a smug yet seductive smile.

Y/N blushes but then sighs in annoyance as she tries to get away from him but fails. "Ah, ah. I do not think so. Let us head inside, you are shaking. The Dark Lord is waiting for you, anyway" Lucius says as he gently grabs her left arm and takes her to the Manor.

There are albino peacocks standing outside the building which just gives an idea of how rich the Malfoys are.

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