Chapter six

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TW: Blood

Voldemort is angry. He's really, really angry. He's really angry with Lucius. All the Death Eaters are gathered at Malfoy Manor, including Avery and Dolohov, who still has a bloodied nose, as well as Lucius' wife, Narcissa Malfoy and their son, Draco Malfoy.

The boy is scared to death. What will happen to his father? He failed the mission and let the Muggles get away with the diamond.

Voldemort is staring at Lucius who is looking down on the floor, ashamed of how the mission went. "So, Lucius," Voldemort starts. His voice is nothing but cold. "You failed your mission. You let those foolish Muggle girls get away with the diamond. The diamond that belongs to me. I confess myself... DISAPPOINTED" he whisper-yells the last part so scarily that even Dementors would float away in an instant. Even Dumbledore, who Voldemort fears, would shudder at this.

Lucius jerks his face as far away from the Dark Lord as possible while trying not to show his fear. He fails that too, of course. "Look at me when I am talking to you, Lucius!" Voldemort hisses as he slaps him hard in the face. What is up with people and hitting him?!

Lucius looks up at Voldemort nonetheless. "My Lord?" he asks with a dry throat. It's barely above a whisper, it almost sounds like a sound that a pigeon would make.

"My Lord?" Voldemort repeats in a mocking tone while giving an evil smile. Lucius gulps at that. "Since you cannot seem to fulfil your missions, I sincerely hope that your son can do a better job than you" Voldemort says as he looks at Draco. Lucius quickly looks at Draco too, shocked and scared. Will the Dark Lord hurt his son if he fails like his father did?

Draco looks really scared too, like he could cry any moment, but he decides to reply anyway. "O-of course, my Lord. I-I will do it" the boy says in a shaky voice.

Voldemort smiles at that. "Of course you will, Draco. Now, make your family proud by restoring your father's honour and get the diamond for me. I have a feeling that Albus Dumbledore will be stupid enough to hide those Muggles at Hogwarts" he says as he gives an evil laugh. All the Death Eaters join him except for the three Malfoys.

Voldemort then looks at Draco once more. "Now, go. Go and get me the diamond" he orders the boy.

In the Hogwarts library, the Trio is looking for information about the diamond with the help of Laura and Vera. Ginny and the twins, Fred and George, are currently attending classes. The Trio thankfully has no lessons right now. However, they still can't seem to find anything about the diamond.

"It's hopeless! We'll never find anything!" Ron exclaims as he groans.

Hermione gets irritated by that and lightly smacks him at the back of his head. "Of course we will! We just have to try harder!" she tells him.

Ron stares at her, dumbfounded. "Try harder? We can't possibly try harder than this!" he yells a bit, sounding defeated.

Hermione sighs. "We must be missing something. What did the prophecy say? "The Keeper of the Diamond shall seal the fate of the Wizarding World. Either the Chosen One or the Dark Lord shall use this fate to destroy the other one, for only one of them can live". We already have the diamond, why-!" Hermione says before stopping herself as an idea pops into her head.

"Harry, maybe only you and You-Know-Who can use it!" she exclaims while sounding hopeful. Harry widens his eyes. It would make sense, wouldn't it?

"Well, let's try that then, shall we?" Laura suggests. As she hands the pink diamond over to Harry, he takes it in his hands and concentrates. He can feel its energy.

After a long moment of silence, nothing happens. Absolutely nothing. "Ugh, I cannot believe it! It seemed so obvious!" Hermione exclaims as she takes her head in her hands. What now?

"More books it is, then. Hey, Vera, could you go over there and find some more books?" Ron asks while pointing to the other end of the library.

"Sure" Vera sighs as she stands up and walks over to the section.

She looks for a while until something, or rather someone, catches her attention. Out of the corner of her eye, she spots a boy with blonde hair staring at her. Okay, creepy.

As she's about to leave, two big boys come out of the blue and block her path. They are wearing green uniforms.

"Nice try, Muggle. You are not leaving until I get what I want. By the way, I hope for your sake that you are not the one who kicked my father to the ground" the blonde boy from before, who's suddenly standing right behind her, says.

Vera quickly turns around. The boy looks really angry yet nervous at the same time. "I don't know nor care who your father is, and I didn't kick anyone. Besides, I have nothing that you could possibly want" she answers him.

He gives a forced chuckle at that. "Do you not know who I am? My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe and Goyle. My father is Lucius Malfoy. And yes, you do actually have something that I want" he states. Vera looks at him, surprised. Now that he mentions it, she can see the similarities between the father and son.

Her train of thoughts is however interrupted as Draco Malfoy suddenly takes the diamond from her front pocket. "Thanks, Muggle" he says as he smirks. He then quickly leaves with his two bodyguards while Vera is standing there, completely dumbfounded. Did that just happen?

As she wants to run after them, she notices that they are already gone. They are nowhere to be seen. Of course this had to happen! Why, oh, why did they give her the responsibility of having the diamond?!

Finally coming to her senses, she runs to the table where the others are. "Did you find anything?" Harry asks, looking at her strangely. Why does it look like she has been running?

"Malfoy- Draco- diamond- gone!!" she manages to get out while panicking. The four others look shocked. The diamond - gone? Harry balls his hands into fists while looking angry. Malfoy, of course! Why didn't Dumbledore think about that? He can't handle it himself, so he sends his son to do the job!

"What do we do now?" Ron asks as he gulps.

"I think we have to let Dumbledore know. Surely, he will know what to do, right?" Laura suggests. Nodding in agreement, all five of them head towards the Headmaster's office.

The Keeper of the Diamond (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now