Chapter twenty-five

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TW: Alcohol, death and strangulation

Voldemort is suddenly behind them. He has had enough of them fighting his Death Eaters. "Enough! I am done with your foolish fight. Y/N, join me and I shall spare your friends. You have my word. Just destroy the Chosen One together with me" he offers her.

Everybody looks between Y/N and Voldemort. She suddenly steps forward. "No, Y/N! Don't do it!" Laura yells while Voldemort gives a satisfied yet creepy smile.

However, he gets frightened when Y/N takes out the pink diamond and focuses her powers on him.

Her powers hit him - but he only gets slightly hurt as he falls to the ground. As he gets up, he laughs at her mockingly. Everyone is puzzled by this - what now?

"But of course! Y/N, you will need both diamonds! And you will need Harry's help, too!" Hermione suddenly exclaims as she realises this.

Voldemort's smile is instantly wiped off. He gets angry and runs up to Harry as he then strangles him so the boy can't breathe. "Y/N, help!" Harry tries to say while Voldemort is strangling him.

Y/N suddenly runs to them and punches Lord Voldemort in his face as he once more falls to the ground. He doesn't notice that Y/N takes the orange diamond from him.

"Together" Harry says to Y/N as he takes out his hand in front of her. Y/N then takes her left hand in his as they hold the orange diamond together while the pink one is in her right hand.

Combining their hands with the glowing diamonds, Harry points his wand at Voldemort as he says "Expelliarmus!" and hits him.

Voldemort drops his wand as he struggles to breathe - he suddenly and slowly turns into black dust as he disappears. He's gone. Lord Voldemort is finally destroyed.

To be fair, he wasn't all that evil. He always waited to attack Harry until the end of the school year. He clearly cared a lot about Harry's education - what a nice guy.

Everybody is looking at the spot that Lord Voldemort occupied before. They can't believe it - he's gone, he's really gone! They have won! The Dark Lord died as the Boy Who Lived lives.

The Aurors then arrive and catch the Death Eaters. However, the Malfoy family is nowhere to be seen - they must have gotten away.

"NOOOO!!!!" Bellatrix yells as she's being dragged away to Azkaban by two Aurors.

"Yeah, that's life. It doesn't always work out how you want it to" Y/N can't help but say out loud, a bit too smug for her.

Dumbledore then gains everyone's attention. "Well done, you did it. You have destroyed Lord Voldemort. I want to thank each and everyone who has come here tonight and joined us in the fight. I personally want to thank Harry Potter and his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, for solving the mystery of the prophecy. Especially Ms. Granger who just realised that the prophecy was in fact wrong. It was not the Keeper of the "Diamond" but "Diamonds" - both the pink and the orange one. And I also want to thank Y/N and her friends, Vera and Laura, for helping us during the Wizarding War and for destroying Lord Voldemort once and for all" he declares as he gives everyone a bright smile. Cheering can be heard all over.

"Therefore, it is only fitting that we celebrate with a party at Hogwarts - everyone is invited, of course" he states as everybody then heads towards the school to celebrate.

At the party, everyone is happy. Friends are chattering, people are dancing. The professors are even enjoying some firewhiskey. Only one, of course.

However, Y/N can't help but notice someone is missing from the party.

"Professor McGonagall, where is Professor Snape?" she asks, confused yet worried.

The Keeper of the Diamond (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now