Chapter eight

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TW: Death, flirtatious & seductive behaviour and swear words

Y/N is finally done. She's finally done with her homework. That took forever! She takes a deep breath. Finally, it's over. Now she can relax.

She however instantly thinks of Laura and feels bad. They were supposed to play Switch yesterday, but Y/N had to reschedule due to the stupid assignment. She should probably apologise by buying her a pack of Oreos.

Now that she thinks about it, neither Laura nor Vera has sent her a message for a whole day. Y/N feels a bit ignored. Guess that's karma.

She decides to relax by reading "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". She loves to reread the books as it calms her and takes her mind off things.

As she sits on her bed and turns to the first page, she barely gets to read the first line before she hears yelling from the living room. "What did I do now?" she says to herself as she sighs and puts the book down.

As she stands in her doorframe, she expects to hear her mother's voice. However, she doesn't expect to hear other voices, especially not men's.

Lucius sighs in annoyance. He hates Muggles and he hates this dimension. Here they are once again. This time it better go right.

The three Death Eaters apparate to the house. And of course, the first thing that greets them is a screaming Muggle lady. "Who the fuck are you? How did you even get in my house?!". Lucius' ears are bleeding. Why do the Muggles always have to scream in his face?!

"Relax, madam. We are here to get the Keeper of the Diamond and judging by the energy, this is clearly the right place. I do not suppose that you are the Keeper?" he asks as he raises an eyebrow at her. Could it really be this woman?

"I have no idea what you lot are talking about. I don't know anything about a keeper of whatever you idiots seek. Now, kindly get out of my house!" she yells at them, clearly angry.

Avery just wants this mission over with, so he decides to search for the energy in the woman. However, there is nothing. "She is not the Keeper" he then says.

The three men look at her. Well, great. "Are there other people in this house besides us?" Lucius then asks.

The woman looks worried for a second but quickly hides it with another angry expression. "There is no one else here. Now, get out!" she snaps at them.

Dolohov can tell that the woman isn't telling the truth. "She is lying!" he says as he points his wand at her. Lucius and Avery barely react before it's too late.

"Avada Kedavra!" Dolohov suddenly exclaims. The woman instantly falls to the floor, eyes wide open. She isn't breathing.

"You stupid idiot, you just killed her! She was the only one who could take us to the Keeper!" Lucius snaps as he then grits his teeth.

Dolohov just shrugs at that. "She was clearly lying about us being the only ones in the house. We will find the Keeper. And besides, I thought you hate when the Muggles scream" he states.

Lucius is absolutely furious. This was not supposed to happen, they were not supposed to kill anyone!

Y/N is still standing in her doorframe, absolutely shocked and confused. That voice. And those words... No. There is no way. There is only one explanation - she has finally lost it. She probably heard wrong. That voice just seems like one she knows. And the other guy probably just said something totally different, like "I want a banana". She really hopes that he just wants a banana. Or a kebab, perhaps.

Y/N carefully listens, however all she hears is silence. Maybe there were no voices? Well, there's only one way to find out.

Y/N slowly and really quietly leaves her room and enters the living room. At first, she sees nothing - except for her mother on the floor.

The Keeper of the Diamond (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now