Chapter four

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TW: Swear words and mentions of kidnapping and torture

"Quick, take my hand!" a man says from the light as he stretches out his hand for the girls to grab. Vera and Laura look at each other. Get caught by Harry Potter villains or go with this stranger who apparently has come to save them?

Definitely the stranger, thank you! Vera grabs the man's hand with one hand and Laura's with the other while Laura is holding the diamond tightly.

Right before they disappear, Lucius can be heard saying "Accio diamond!".

But because the universe hates Lucius Malfoy so much, it's too late and the diamond disappears with the girls and the unknown man. "Fuck!" Lucius yells from the top of his lungs. The Dark Lord is not going to like this.

In the Harry Potter dimension, Laura and Vera go through the light and land on the cold ground. Having no idea where they are, the girls start to take in their surroundings. The place they are in looks like a village with lots of shops. They spot a candy shop and some type of prank shop. They also spot what looks like a pub.

Hearing someone cough a few times, their heads snap up to the man who just saved them. The man is tall, has a few scars on his face and his hair is slightly messy.

He gives them a friendly smile while helping them up from the ground. "It is good that I came just in time before those Death Eaters hexed you. And I see you have the diamond, excellent! I was worried they would get it and give it to You-Know-Who. By the way, my name is Remus Lupin" he says while removing his gaze from the pink diamond in Laura's hand.

The girls smile back at him. "I'm Laura and this is Vera. Thank you for saving us. Um, where are we?" she finally asks.

Lupin chuckles a bit. "Ah, right. We are at Hogsmeade. You see, you cannot apparate to Hogwarts" he explains.

After a bit of silence, he decides to escort them to the school. "Anyway, follow me. I will take you to Headmaster Dumbledore" he says as he starts walking.

Following behind him, the girls quietly whisper to themselves. "Death Eaters? Dumbledore? Hogwarts?" Vera asks, confused. "So is this the right diamond?" Laura questions while looking curious.

They stop right in their tracks when they see the castle. They enjoy the beautiful view of the beautiful castle before Lupin beckons them to keep following him. When they reach inside the castle, they are stunned by the beauty of it. They are also stunned by the many doors and stairs - stairs which are moving!

Lupin stops up when they reach a golden gargoyle. "Lemon sorbet!" Lupin says out loud. Suddenly, the gargoyle reveals some hidden stairs. Lupin walks up the stairs while the girls follow him.

When they enter what seems like an office with lots of moving paintings, they are met by three people. To the left is an elderly, neat- but strict-looking woman wearing glasses, a hat and some green clothing.

In the middle is an elderly man with a white, long beard and half-moon glasses - he must be Dumbledore.

Finally, to the right is a man both Vera and Laura instantly recognise - Severus Snape. He's easily recognisable by his black, medium-length hair as well as his unreadable expression and his dark clothes. How does even Vera recognise him? Simply because he's Y/N's absolute favourite character. There's no doubt about that, that's for sure.

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts. My name is Albus Dumbledore, this is Professor Minerva McGonagall, and this is Professor Severus Snape. I am sure you two have a lot of questions, yes?" Dumbledore asks after the girls have been staring at the three of them for a while.

The Keeper of the Diamond (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now