Chapter thirteen

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Y/N wakes up, shaking and covered in sweat. Great. Another nightmare. She must have screamed in her sleep as Hermione is awake, too. "Are you all right?" the Gryffindor asks, concerned.

Y/N lets out a breath before she replies. "Yeah, I just had a nightmare. I'm sorry if I woke you up" she apologises.

Hermione smiles at her. "Do not worry, I was awake anyway. I could not sleep. And I am sorry about your nightmare, would you like to talk about it?" she slowly questions her.

Y/N shakes her head. "No, preferably not. Don't worry, I'll be okay. Hey, what are you reading?" she asks her curiously as she notices the book in Hermione's hand.

"Oh, this is "Hogwarts: A History". I am trying to find out if it states whether or not someone can enter Hogwarts undetected. Sadly, I cannot find anything" Hermione sighs as she closes the book.

Looking at the time, the girls decide to head to breakfast. Y/N takes a quick shower and puts on a Gryffindor uniform. She puts the orange diamond in the left pocket of her cloak before they leave the dorm together.

As they enter, they are one of the first students since it's still pretty early. The two girls chat for a while as more and more students fill in the Great Hall.

Harry and Ron then arrive. "It seems as if you two have been here for a while. Why were you up so early?" Ron asks as he fills his plate with food.

"Oh, we both could not sleep, so we decided that we might as well head to breakfast" Hermione decides to say.

Everybody chats with each other before McGonagall approaches the Gryffindor table. "Good morning, students. Ms. Y/L/N, as your Head of House, I am to inform you that it seems as if your previous school did not teach at the same level as we do here at Hogwarts. You will therefore attend extra classes in Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions" the professor states.

Getting the hint that she's referring to the training sessions, Y/N nods at McGonagall. "I understand, professor. When do I attend the extra lessons?" she asks, ready to train.

"They will after the regular lesson ends. Your teacher will tell you to stay behind in class. As I am your Transfiguration teacher, I will teach you those extra lessons" McGonagall says, giving her a smile. McGonagall then gives them a bow as she takes her leave.

"What's our first lesson today?" Ron asks while munching on his food.

Hermione rolls her eyes at him. "Our first lesson of the day is Potions" she states.

Suddenly realising that she actually has to attend classes, Y/N starts to panic. "How am I supposed to follow the classes? I'm not a witch! I don't even have a wand!" she whisper-yells at the Trio, looking worried.

Harry chuckles a bit. "Don't worry about that. It will be good training for you, using your powers as you pretend to be a witch. Besides, Dumbledore got you this" he says as he hands her something. In her hand is indeed a wand. "You obviously can't use it but it will help not to make people suspicious. Wandless magic isn't common among students, you see" he explains.

Nodding, she tests the wand as she gives it a flick. Nothing happens. "Okay. Got it. Um, what do I do if the teachers ask me questions? I only know really basic spells like Wingardium Leviosa" she says, a bit ashamed.

Hermione can't help but smile at her, though. Y/N pronounced it correctly, unlike some other people Hermione knows. Hermione then looks at Ron, thinking about how he mispronounced the spell in their first year.

"Don't worry about that, Professor McGonagall and Professor Lupin know. They won't ask you any questions. Though, I wouldn't be so bloody sure with Snape" Ron says, shrugging.

The Keeper of the Diamond (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя