Chapter twenty-four

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TW: Blood, death, war and werewolves

In the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort and his Death Eaters are waiting for the Keeper of the Diamond to show up. Snape is in chains - he has several cuts on his face and he is bleeding from his nose.

Voldemort sighs. "Well, Severus, it does not seem like the girl wants you to live. She has still not shown up" he calmly says. Though inside, he's getting impatient. Where in Salazar Slytherin's name is she?

The Order suddenly shows up - not only them but as well as Professor Minerva McGonagall, Professor Filius Flitwick, Professor Pomona Sprout, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. And Y/N's friends, Vera and Laura. However, the girl is still not in sight. "Where is she? Where is the girl?" Voldemort demands, clearly irritated.

Suddenly, somebody emerges from the crowd - Y/N. Voldemort starts to laugh. "Ah, there you are. I was beginning to think you would not show up. Now, come to me. If you want Severus here to live," he says as he scratches Snape's face with his long nails. Snape screams in pain. "Then you will help me destroy The Chosen One once and for all. Join the Death Eaters and you shall be rewarded" he says as he gives a creepy smile.

Y/N looks at Snape, quite worried. What did they do to him? Meanwhile, Snape is trying his best not to show any emotions. Though, Y/N can tell that he's scared. And so is she.

She then turns her gaze to Voldemort while looking angry. "I will never join you. However, I won't let you hurt him anymore as we will fight you! You can't win!" Y/N states.

The Order suddenly starts to attack the Death Eaters. While everyone is fighting, Lucius frees Snape from his chains without anyone noticing. Snape gives his friend a grateful nod as he is happy to be freed.

At the fighting scene, Lupin and Black are fighting two Death Eaters side by side. As they stupefy them, they suddenly spot someone - Wormtail. "Look who is there, Padfoot" Lupin says, sounding angry.

They then approach Voldemort's servant. "So, Peter. We meet again, huh? Well, this time we will not let you get away!" Black states to the man who is shaking with fear.

"Remus, Sirius! Show mercy!" Wormtail begs, hoping they will let him live so he can get away. He does not want to go to Azkaban, but he also doesn't want to die.

It doesn't work, though. "You know that will not happen, Peter. This is for James and Lily!" Lupin exclaims as he points his wand at Wormtail. The man then flies into a tree, "accidentally" breaking his neck.

"Ha! Nice hex, Moony! Now we got our revenge! That is what happens when you betray your friends" Black says while grinning at his friend who smiles at him.

Suddenly, Fenrir Greyback is standing in front of them. "Well, well. Looks to me like somebody forgot it is that time of the month" he howls as he smirks at Lupin. They all look up in the sky. Oh, no! The full moon.

Lupin looks at Black, frightened. "Padfoot-" he says before he is suddenly transformed into his werewolf form.

"Moony, no! You have to fight it! Do not tell me you have forgotten to take your Wolfsbane Potion!" Black yells before it's too late.

Lupin the Werewolf gets ready to attack. However, he doesn't attack his friend. He attacks the other werewolf. Greyback and Lupin are in a violent fight, werewolf versus werewolf.

Lupin wins as he breaks Greyback's neck with his teeth and runs off deeper into the forest, away from the people.

Meanwhile, Y/N is fighting the Death Eaters using the skills she learned during her training sessions at Hogwarts. She surprises a Death Eater by conjuring a group of red, angry birds towards him.

She attacks another one so he flies into a tree and stuns a few who were about to attack Luna and Ginny. They smile at her as saying "Thanks".

Y/N suddenly spots Lucius. They stare at each other for a while, unsure of what to do. He suddenly points his wand at her - however, not to attack her. He blocks a stray hex that was about to hit her.

When she realises, she widens her eyes. She however can't help but smile at him as she then nods a "thanks" to him. Lucius smiles back and nods as well.

He then runs off as Y/N runs into the Trio. "Are you guys all right?" she asks them while they are fighting a few Death Eaters.

"Yes, we have hexed quite a few of them! How about you?" Hermione asks her. However, before Y/N gets to answer, a Death Eater points his wand at them.

"Avada Ke-" he begins but is stopped when something hard like a stone hits his face. It looks like some type of cake or bread.

"Looks like he didn't appreciate me baking" someone suddenly says. They all turn around. It's Rubeus Hagrid, the Gatekeeper of Hogwarts.

"Hagrid!" the Trio exclaims in unison and runs to hug him.

He hugs them back. "Didn't think ye were going to war without me, were ya?" he says as he chuckles. Y/N smiles at them.

Suddenly, another Death Eater is about to attack the Boy Who Lived but is stopped by someone. Is that a house elf?

"You shall not harm Harry Potter!" Dobby says to the Death Eater as he hits the man with his magic.

Harry then turns to him. "Thanks, Dobby - but we agreed that you weren't supposed to save me again, remember?" he says as he smiles at the elf. Dobby merely gives a nervous laugh as he then smiles at the boy with a scar on his forehead.

Y/N taps on Harry's shoulder. "He deserves a bunch of socks, don't you think?" she asks as she chuckles. Harry chuckles as well while nodding.

They all suddenly notice the twins, Laura and Vera looking at someone fighting. "What's going on?" Harry asks, confused.

The twins just grin. "Our father," George begins. "Is fighting Lucius Malfoy" Fred ends. They all turn to look at the fight. They are right - Lucius and Mr. Weasley are fighting. However, they are not using their wands - it's a good old fist fight.

"Go, dad! Hit him in his face!" Ron exclaims while cheering for his father.

"Aww, man. If only we had some popcorn" Laura says as she sighs.

George suddenly conjures a big bowl of popcorn that he gives her. "Here ya go" he and Fred say in unison as they give a mischievous smirk.

As they are still watching the fight while eating popcorn, Voldemort appears behind them.

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