chapter 10.

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Rhea Knight

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Rhea Knight

"So..." I drum my fingers on my lap as I look around the massive as De'luca family home.
"I take it that you guys have some questions. But you really shouldn't considering it's pretty self explanatory." I shrugged my shoulders as they stared blankly at me.

"Are you out of retirement? Is that why you're around us, to kill us ?" Gianni narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously.

"I am out of retirement for a job but it has nothing to do with you guys. You would have to be stupid to put a hit on anyone in this family, and I would be stupid to even take that job." I answer truthfully.

I had nothing to hide so I didn't see the reason to lie to them.

"So the boarding school, your foster parents."Anthonie begins to list off the white lies I told him." The dancing... it was all a lie?" He didn't sound hurt, he just sounded like he was trying to figure me out.

"Yes and no." I pull my hair up and out of my face." The academy is technically a boarding school. My foster father sold me off as a way to pay his debt after he drove his wife to an early grave. "

"As for the dancing," I play with the rings on fingers before continuing on. " I was at the top of my class. I did everything perfectly, I followed the orders, and I got the job done."

"She was like a fucking robot." Kahleen chimed in. "Roman's little masterpiece. First kill at the ripe age of thirteen, she listened and followed every direction to a T, and she never hesitated. "

Carmen nodded along as Kahleen described how I was willing to do anything and follow every order given to me. I was the perfect soldier in Roman's eyes. I never complained or talked back, I never cried or showed weakness. All my family was gone or didn't want me. No one was looking for me so I was his perfect little assassin.

I was his favorite, hell I still am.

"Being at the top of the class, I was allowed to dance in between classes and training. When I retired, I decided to give others a shot at their dreams as well. That is if they wanted to take that path." I point out, talking my foot against the wood of the dining table.

"So why did you retire?"

"I didn't want to do it anymore, at least I thought I didn't."After tonight I realized that I missed the rush and excitement that came from the kill. The power high you felt after taking someone's life. The adrenaline that pumped through my body as they fought back.

Alessa and Alex tilted their heads to the side in amusement as they studied me. I shrunk under the analyzing gazes as they tried reading me.

It truly was a creepy experience if i'm being honest. It wasn't so much the staring but it was how they were exactly alike. They're faces mimicked each other's and their timing was somehow perfectly in sync. It was as if they were one but in two different bodies.

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