chapter 15.

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It had been a few weeks since we left L

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It had been a few weeks since we left L.A. We never finished what we went there to start because well... I dropped the Rose bomb on them.

Anthonie had been dodging my calls and I understood why. He was upset and had a lot to process. It just hurt me that he cut me out like that.

I sat in my room trying to figure out my next move with rose as I rubbed Mika's fur. I knew Rose's whole schedule by now from the route of her morning jog to the time she went to sleep.

My plan was to catch her at the coffee shop she usually goes to after the teacher who homeschools the kid comes by. She was good at hiding him from them. The kid barely went outside unless it was with her.

I wonder what lie she told him about his father. What did she tell him when he asked about his father's side of the family? What did she say when he asked why she had him cooped up inside all of the time?

Poor kid was probably going insane without any human interaction besides his mom and teacher.

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. I put Mika on the floor and walked out of my room. Mika's footsteps fell behind me as I headed for the door.

I looked through the peephole to see a black shirt. I quickly pulled open the drawer next to the door and grabbed one of the many guns hid around my home. I cocked the gun, already knowing that it was full and tucked in the back of my shorts.

I opened the door to reveal Anthonie. He looked a little rough. He hadn't shaved the fuzz growing his face, his hair was this way and that, and he reeked of Jack Daniels.

And he was wet.

It was raining in New York and he was dripping all over my hardwood floors. I quickly ushered him inside and pushed him towards my bathroom. He stayed silent the entire time as I made him stand under the water. When he was done I placed warm towels around his naked body.

"Anthonie," I crouched in front of him ."Why were you out in the rain?" I sniffed getting a big whiff of alcohol. "Are you drunk?" I questioned him as I gripped his chin forcing him to look at me.

"I had a few drinks." His breath reeked of alcohol as his words slurred. "How much is a few?"

"The double digits." He answered as I hooked his arms around my waist and carried him to my bed. The weight of his body crushed my shoulders as I leaned on them. I pulled the towels off of his body and placed on his boxers.

"Hey!" He semi shouted causing me to shush him."Where's your doggy?" He lowered his voice to a whisper.

Mika jumped up on the bed and crawled towards him. "Mika." He mumbled as he ran a hand over her fur." Such a cute little doggy." He cooed as he closed his eyes, Mika snuggled up on his chest.

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