chapter 22.

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Anthonie De'luca

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Anthonie De'luca

After tying up Rose we carried her body down to a room in the basement.

Luckily the kids were occupied in the kitchen and didn't witness us knock her out. They may know what's going on but that doesn't mean that they should witness it at an early age.

Rhea smoothed out the bottoms of her dress before walking over to me. I held my arm out for her which she grabbed and we walked towards the exit of the basement.

"Are you sure you want to be doing this right now?" I question in regards to her pregnancy once we get up the stairs.

"I'm fine," Rhea says as we leisurely walk down the hallway. Her attention were more so in the paintings rather then me, but I didn't mind because that gave me more time to study every little thing about her.

"I'm only around twelve weeks. I haven't experienced the morning sickness or nausea," She listed as we neared the kitchen." I should be good to finish this job."

"This baby is not stopping my fun." I sensed a double meaning behind her words...

There was definitely a double meaning behind her words and the wink she sent me confirmed that.

"Okay," I let out a breath as we entered the kitchen were everyone was waiting for us."When do you have your meeting with Roman?"

"I have to go in the day after tomorrow." She responds as I take a seat next to Marc. He was busy focusing on a game that Stefano was showing him to notice my presence.

"Do you want us to go with?"Tati handed Rhea a bottle of water which she gladly took before walking over to me.

I spread my legs slightly and tapped my thighs motioning for her to seat. She twisted the cap back on to the bottle and walked towards me. My hands automatically found the way to her back as she sat down on my thigh.

Rhea laid her head on my shoulder as my unoccupied hand made its way towards her stomach.

"We should tell him the good news soon," Rhea says as she plays with my hair. I let out a hum as we watch the children bond with Marc. I was glad that he wasn't shy when it came to getting to know them.

That was one of my main concerns when enrolling him into school. I didn't want him to not be able to communicate with kids his own age because of his mother's actions. Seeing him get along with his cousins made me feel a little bit better about the fact.

" We can tell him in the morning," I kissed the side of her forehead as she nods.

I hope that he wouldn't be too overwhelmed about going to school. I just want him to be able to experience everything he's missed over the years.

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