1 - The Basically White Room

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You open your eyes, and the first thing you see is overwhelming brightness. You groan in annoyance and cover your eyes as you speak."Why. Just why. Turn the lights off or something. I might kill a man." "Well excuse me, it's not my fault this is the natural state of this place." Hearing a man's voice, you immediately opened your eyes and sat up from your spot on a fancy looking purple sofa.

"Whoa there." You looked around at your surroundings, seeing a very spacious room with white walls and ceiling, and old fashioned furniture that seemed as if it was about eighty years too late to the trends. You frowned, putting your hand above your eyes to stave off some of the light, and squinted. "This don't look like the Gulag." You commented as you observed the exceedingly bright area. 

"That is because it is clearly not." Once again hearing another person's voice, you whipped around and spotted a young looking pale man that had long white hair braided on the side, and was wearing dressy clothes- a dark suit vest with a blue stone bolo necktie just below his collar, paired with nice black pants, a white undershirt, and oxford shoes. He stood in the doorway, holding a suit jacket as he addressed you. 

"Since you seem so unsatisfied with the conditions upon your arrival, I hope you find satisfaction with the new changes I will be implementing." The man snapped his fingers as he finished speaking, and almost instantaneously the glaring light in the room calmed down to a relaxing dark illuminated by a few colored lamps and candles that seemed to emanate something softer than moonlight and pleasant to the eyes.

"Okay, okay, I see what you did there, that got me, not gonna lie, that was pretty cool." You nodded, observing the new arrangements he had 'implemented'. "So I'm dead right now, what does that make you? Are you some kind of angel or demon come to take me to hell or something?" You rambled, your mind flickering, one of the man's blue eyes twitching. "What's your name? Theophrastus Bombastus? Angelino Angeliko? Xerxes Yancy Quincy Kiefer Adams?"

Walking forward, he laid down his jacket and took a seat in front of you behind a desk, folding his hands as he spoke. "People call me Lloyd, actually." You stared at him. "Huh." Lloyd stared right back at you, silently. "Huh." He rolled his eyes. "Well, (Y/N) since the most official duties have been said and done already, we can just go ahead and begin." 

 Your brain barely functioning due to the complexity of the situation, you responded ,"my huh?" Ignoring you, the man you dubbed the angel of paperwork pulled out a file and started reading something in it. "How do you know my name?" Of course, it made perfect sense to you that somebody you saw after your death would know your name at least, but you wanted to know exactly how the system worked, and if it would be possible to mess around with the files to bring one of your buddies down to hell with you.

Not looking up, he answered swiftly."It is in the file, we are not so incompetent that we would not know something as simple as your name. I had to do quite the reading on you before you arrived, just like I must for all of my clients to be properly sent off." Your mind still wandering, you glanced around until you decided to focus on a painting of what looked like an Axolotl. 

"As I am sure you are aware, you are here because you died on Earth. Furthermore, once people pass away, they are usually sent to a general admittance so they can be quickly judged and sentenced to either heaven or hell. However, you have unconventional circumstances as you died to save another. Whatever your intentions at the moment, it is protocol to give those such as yourself options for whatever is to happen once you leave this room. I am an angel of judgement, not unlike those used en masse at the general centers, the only difference is that I deal with specialized matters such as these rather than the simple ones that are seen throughout those centers."

You finally looked back to find Lloyd observing you. "So what you're saying is that you're an arbiter or something?" You asked. He blinked. "I suppose so." Stretching on the couch, you put your hands behind your head, thinking about what he had just told you. "You said I had options, what are they?" You questioned, getting straight to the point. Lloyd pulled a few papers out of the file, each marked with a stamp near the top that had red or green runes. He placed them in front of you in a line, labelled with the names 'Continuation', 'Reincarnation' and 'Progression'.

As you waited for Lloyd to explain, your mind was wild with the possibilities and chances for your future. Although he had not even explained the meanings of each of the labels, you were sure of which you would choose in the end. So, what will you choose?

(880 words)

A/N- I listened to 'The Awakening' from FMAB by Senju Akira when I was writing this

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