19- Paparazzi Everywhere

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You rubbed your eyes sleepily as you walked down the street. The morning's wake-up sound repeated mercilessly in your mind's ears while you tried to clear your thoughts. You'd snoozed your alarm one too many times, and ended up running a bit late. Yesterday you were too busy thinking about Izuku and Bakugo's telenovela in the courtyard to do your homework before it got late in the night, and went to sleep late.

The insistent sounds of photo snapping and chatter woke you up to the realization that you were near the gate. There was a large crowd full of people with cameras and microphones. "Excuse me" You pushed past the reporters. One mentioned person exclaimed after you brushed them particularly heavily. "Hey!"

"Sorry." You apologized and turned back to the gate, still surrounded by people. The woman, noticing your objective, paused and spoke eagerly. "Wait, you're a student at UA right?"

No, I'm just wanting to try and sneak in of course. Call me Shigaraki mmm I love having crusty skin-

You bit back the sarcastic response bubbling up in your throat and nodded. At your response, she grinned and held a microphone to you. "Tell us, what's it like being a student of the number one hero?" Her eyebrows were looking mighty scruffy for someone being so time intrusive.

At this point the others had realized what was happening, and a small circle was formed around you inside the crowd. The adults seemed towering as they almost demanded a statement for their benefit. Multiple phrases were repeated several times. "All Might", "Symbol of Peace", and "Who are you?" were thrown out in the chaos.

Hold on, maybe that last one was just Nardwuar...

In any case, they were very persistent. After politely answering a few questions, your patience began to run thin and finally you said your goodbyes. "I'm sorry, but I really have to go to class-" But at your words, a loud alarm-like noise rang out as the main gate to UA slammed shut. The reporters (to their credit) finally went silent, and your main entrance to the school was shut off to you. With no special ID card yet as a new student, nothing could be done.

Suddenly I'm Andrew Garfield 

You felt a snap in your consciousness and walked out of the crowd without saying a word. Walking towards the gray wall, you sighed. This is probably illegal due to the quirk laws, but I just want to get to school. If anyone tries to arrest me for that, I'll have to question their priorities.

You put one foot on the wall and began to walk up. When you got to the top you changed your horizontal orientation to vertical, and kept walking. You felt the stares of some in the crowd, but your ability to care had quickly decreased below the required amount to do anything about it.

When you reentered UA territory was when you needed to be careful. Attempting to hide as cautiously as possible, you started on your way to the main building.

However, it was about as discreet as extra thick sanitary pads in leggings, because Aizawa was standing just inside the closed gate. He looked at you with tired eyes. "I ought to give you detention." He said blankly.

You said nothing. You stared at each other.

"Get to class."

"Yes sir."

The class chatted animatedly in their seats while Aizawa walked up to his podium. "All right, settle down." The students quieted and he continued. "Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results."

"Bakugo. You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?" Katsuki scoffed and looked away. "Yeah, whatever."

"and Midoriya." The green haired boy shrank in his seat. "I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old." 

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