6- Origin

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You stared at your bleeding hands for a moment in shock. How did that happen? Did I break the table with my super strength? Izuku gave you a look that reflected both worry and excitement. Clearly he had come to the same conclusion. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Stiffly, you nodded, still not able to focus well. "I'll go find Ms. Kondo." 

You headed to the door to the classroom. Ms. Kondo went to the next room over to chat with another teacher about an event coming up, so she hadn't been present during the incident. 

As you got nearer to her and the other teacher, you called out her name, catching her attention. Showing her your injured hands she gasped, "Oh dear (Y/N), what happened?" Unsure of how to answer the question you replied, "I... uh... I hit the table and it broke." 

She looked surprised. "Maybe this is the manifestation of your quirk (Y/N). Those tables are really strong. Besides that, let's take you to the nurse and get you fixed up." Giving you a sweet smile, she lead the way to the nurse.


As you walked back to class with bandaged hands, you rubbed them, annoyed. So much for that superhuman durability listed in the comics. They did look a little better by the time I got to the nurse though, maybe the  regeneration is there, just not as strong because it's only the first day.

The kids were talking, but went quiet when they saw you. Sitting back where you were with Izuku, minus the table, he asked, "How is it?" You shrugged, showing him your bandaged hands and holding them out for him to touch. "They'll be fine." He hesitantly reached out but when his finger barely grazed you he jumped in his seat. 

You squinted your eyes. "What was that?" Izuku looked at his arm. "I just got shocked when I touched you that's all." He answered nervously, waving his hands in front of him.

"You did?" Instantly you poked him and he shook as if he had a chill. "It happened again!" eheheheheheheh the power I wield at this moment

You ran around the classroom poking your classmates and watched them as they experienced a minor shock. My power really is here! Looks like it's time to get to work.


Ten years later

"Bye, I'm going now!" After calling that out into the house, you closed the door and went on your way. In the decade since your quirk manifestation, you had seen and done many things in pursuit of making yourself stronger to be the best hero you could. Man, how much has changed?

Luckily, you had grown up to be a quite strong person. Whether or not that was because of your quirk or the years of hard work you put in was something you would never know. You liked to think it was a combination of both. 

Once you and Izuku had grown a bit, you convinced him to start training with you. Now, you both had years of jogging together and sparring for practice. 

It might have seemed a little unfair for you two to spar when you had a quirk and he didn't, but you were sure to be gentle with him and it was something he would have to deal with as a quirkless person. 

The training had done a lot of good, and the pair of you improved greatly. Especially Izuku, seeing as in the anime you saw, he had little to no experience doing such things on his own before he met All Might, but now he was looking close to what he did after the long ten month training. 

Your own quirk had improved as well, aside from the time you spent with Midoriya, you made a point to spend at least an hour or two every day doing an activity that could help some aspect of it, like hanging upside down while watching tv and trying to get used to the blood flow as well as strengthening stamina for using your quirk. 

"(Y/N)!" A girl's voice knocked you out of your thought bubble and you looked up. "So what did you think about Enchanted Rock?" she asked excitedly. 

Eiko was pretty nice. You didn't have many friends since you insisted on hanging out with Izuku, a quirkless kid, but not all of the kids were absolutely horrible. Eiko was one of the decent ones in the class. At the very least, she had to be the best genuine friend you had besides Izuku.

"It was cool I guess." You responded tiredly. "I'd still prefer to go to  Hopscotch again though." She widened her eyes, sitting down at her desk. "Really? It's that good? I'll have to take my dad there sometime. It sounds fun."

 You agreed with her, yawning. "Yeah, that sounds nice. The art is pretty good." Normally you might be talking to Izuku too, but he was writing in his hero notebook and you were too tired to talk smart hero logic.

You heard laughs and conversation from the students as the teacher reentered the room. "Quiet down, quiet down."

Standing at the podium the teacher blandly began to state some facts. "So, as third year students you're going to have to start thinking seriously about your lives." Yadayadayada I've heard this all before.

Unsurprisingly, suddenly the students all busted out their "very impressive quirks", but you didn't use any part of yours, just shifted in your seat to have have more potato posture for a better nap.

"Hey teach, don't lump me in with this buncha losers. I'm the real deal but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister. Heh." and there it is. There always has to be something.

As the students rioted at the teacher searched his clipboard and noted, "Huh. You've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into UA high." Ugh don't say that. He'll just get a bigger head.

The students reacted, wondering about Katsuki going to UA when he boldy stated. "That's why its the only place worthy of me" Please if that place was 'worthy of you' King Explosion Murder they would've let you keep the name.

He jumped up on his desk, weird flex but okay and just kept going. "I aced all of the mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance of getting in. I'll end more popular than All Might himself, and be the richest hero of all time!" Sir, I think that title should be saved for Uraraka.

"People all across the world will know who I am, and it all starts with UA High!" and the teacher added as an afterthought, "Oh yeah, Midoriya, (L/N), don't you wanna go to UA too?"


Then your classmates burst out laughing. "Midoriya? You're kidding, right?" crying with tears of laughter that it was impossible, and practically ignoring you. Izuku stood up to defend himself and Bakugo ran up to him with his hands crackling, ready to use an explosion. 

You grabbed his arm as it was nearing Izuku's desk which was behind yours, preventing the loud boom you knew it would cause otherwise. Letting go, you pushed it in the other direction. "Chill out man. You're too loud."

Giving you a nasty look, he turned back to Izuku and started. "Listen here Deku. You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects you quirkless wannabe." Still remembering what he was going to say, and not feeling like putting up with it, you groaned. "Shut up you fluffy pomeranian. I am too tired for this today."

He whipped around to look at you, where you stretched and laid your head on your arms to sleep. "What the hell did you just say you damn Attercop?!" He raged. "I'll call you whatever I need to to make you be quiet for once."

It went on like this for a few minutes before you two were asked to settle down, and the class went on until the bell chimed and you were all dismissed to leave.

(1366 words)

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