8- The Sludge Incident

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An hour or so had passed and you were still sitting there, looking out the window as you observed the people walking along. You rubbed your hands and ran them over the smooth material attached to your hands and wrists. 

The web shooters on your hands were a shiny white material with black and blue outlines on them. Since you would have to wear them as a hero, you always worked out with them on, hence the reason you had them when going home to grab things was an option you had skipped.

The joke was you really, because even though you asked Lloyd if you could have the web ability without the shooters, you still needed to regulate it to aim accurately. 

You could shoot threads out of your wrists without the shooters due to practice, but you could only get it within a general radius. Other than that, producing webs anywhere else on your body just resulted in either a glob that would stick keep sticking until you washed it off, or a flurry of webs being shot in every direction (kind of like Kaminari before he had his aiming weapon made prior to the licensing exam). Either way, it was rather inconvenient at any point in time.

Having them on made you feel at least a little cooler though. Like you really did have a quirk (which you did), and like you were born in a place with superpowers (which you were). Even after living in this universe for so long, it was still easy for you to get excited over simple things.

Just sitting down without anything to do for a while got pretty boring, so you walked over to a little bookshelf and checked out the options. The cafe let customers borrow books and magazines as long as they didn't leave the building. 

Picking out a red comic that seemed to be dedicated to All Might, you sat back down at your side table and continued to wait.

When you had read about a third of it, in the middle of All Might's first typical 'I am here!' statement, you started to hear explosions and screams from civilians.

Eyes widening at the sounds, you quickly stood up and dropped the comic, your breath hitching. Turning your head, you scanned the outside area and spotted smoke and people running from something a little down the street.

Leaving the story behind on the table, you raced to the door, opened it, and sprinted to the site as fast as you could. 

Once you arrived there, you saw Bakugo held by the sludge monster, and  fires blazing around him. 

Soon after you reached the crowd, some heroes including Death Arms, Kamui Woods, and Backdraft made it to the scene. 

Bakugo was sending off varying levels of explosions as he screamed at the monster, from small blasts to huge ones that shook buildings and broke down walls.

Watching Bakugo struggle like that was hard, hearing him trying to fight the villain made you wince. For the sake of the story, you couldn't do anything but wait for Izuku to come and motivate All Might. 

As much as you wanted to, nothing could be done, this was an important part of the story that needed to occur. Knowing that, you blended in with the crowd for the longest three minutes of your life until Izuku and All Might appeared at the edge of the crowd. 

The heroes were shouting at each other, trying to do whatever they could, which in a situation with a hostage, wasn't much. 

When you finally noticed Izuku, he seemed to be in shock and fear as he shook. Instead of his school uniform, he wore his tracksuit from the workout and had a brown sling bag he might have picked up at home.

Your heart beat loudly in your ears. Looking between Bakugo and Izuku, you silently willed him to go, as everything but the two of them fell away. Bakugo sent a pained glance in your direction, and suddenly the green haired boy dashed forward.

Just like you remembered, shouts rang out from the heroes and he launched his bag to distract the villain. When he reached him, he began to pull sludge away, and all seemed right according to what you knew.

 However, something was wrong. You couldn't put your finger on it, but something was giving you an odd feeling, which made you afraid. Having an unusual feeling in this world usually meant that your borderline precognitive spider sense was trying to tell you something.

As the scene progressed, you finally realized what was off. Despite Izuku's arrival, his attempted rescue of Bakugo, you had yet to spot All Might. Damn it! You cursed mentally. How could I not notice that? I thought he was just hidden in the crowd!

The time when All Might should make an appearance was marching closer by the second, and still, there was no sign of him. Izuku was struggling  with what to do against the sludge monster, and your mind was flickering from thought to thought, thinking of idea after idea, finding no instance where Izuku got out of this unscathed if All Might didn't show up.

The slimy villain jeered at Bakugo and Izuku. "Just a little bit longer kid, and I'm done playing with you!" Your eyes rapidly shifted from every person involved, unsure of what decision to make.

The last second had arrived, and the heroes lurched forward, Death Arms shouting, "Save the boy! This thing'll kill him!" You swallowed, and knocked yourself upside the head to steel yourself. LETS DO THIS THING!

Rushing forward, you used your superhuman strength to launch off the ground and reached Izuku before any of the pros, grabbing him and setting him down on the other side of the monster. Knowing Bakugo was likely suffocating in the sludge, you quickly jumped back and whipped out an arm in front of you, with your hand forming the signature 'thwip' of Spiderman. 

The hand sign activating a web shooter, a strong white thread shot out and connected with something solid within the slime. You fell into a practiced stance to hold your ground, feet shoulder width apart and weight evenly distributed so as to not fall over. Wrapping the end of the thread around your knuckle, you grasped it with both hands and pulled with all your might. 

"(Y/N)?" Izuku quavered from behind you. Focusing on the thread, you shut your eyes, trying to keep your feet from sliding closer to the disgusting ooze. "A little... help?" You hinted with a struggle.

Without wasting any more time with words, he stepped to the monster and once again grabbed handfuls of sludge to move it away.

After taking in a deep breath to prepare, you exhaled as you used an extra burst of strength, the thread dragging Bakugo out of the sludge from the back. 

Out of the sludge, Katsuki started to cough on the ground, clearing his lungs and throat of the thick goo. "Bakugo!" "Kaachan!" you and Izuku gasped. 

The villain's eyes materialized and rolled around until they stopped on the three of you. "You're being a real pest you know that? Things would be much easier for you if you just gave up and let me take over." Raising a sludge arm he tried to swat you away, but you ducked quickly, only to be grabbed by another arm.

"Ack-" you yelped unintentionally, not expecting to be caught.  "(Y/N)!" You heard from Izuku. The monster raised you up to its eye level, maliciously commenting, "You would be a real convenient vessel, maybe even more so than that explosion one over there. With you, I could get away so fast they would never catch me!"

'Ohshitohshitohshit' your mind chanted. What do I do? I don't have anything to combat this! Electricity wouldn't work, it's too thick and made of some strange materials or chemicals! It wouldn't let the energy flow past the part I'm touching. Even Death Arm's super strength didn't work against it! 

"This time at least" the villain's voice snapped you out of your train of thought. "I'll do the hard part first." The sludge wrapped around your waist and arms began to constrict painfully. After a few seconds it became hard to breathe, and the goo started to move up your body to your face.

Unable to move due to the tight hold he had on you, you panicked. The world began to spin around you as you felt yourself slipping away. "No...." you whispered. "Have to... stay.. awake...."

The goo about to cover you completely, darkness began to close in, but as you closed your eyes, you heard a faint, "Detroit.... Smash!"

(1460 words)

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